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  1. heatherma

    Ordering more-Quick! What to get?

    Thanks for the posts so far. I am such a newbie at this and it's already an addiction. This is agonizing having to choose! A few more opinions please? I am leaning towards Barred Plymouth Rocks right now, possibly Golden Buffs. Would love a Maran but have heard their hardiness and...
  2. heatherma

    Ordering more-Quick! What to get?

    We currently have 2 EE and 2 BO almost 4 months old. I had my heart set on getting some Salmon Favorelles but will not be available for a long while. So maybe some other time. We will be getting 2 Black Australorps and 2 Delaware day-old pullets and now I have to pick only One more breed. (For...
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