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  1. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    Does appear to be a fancy name for a BSL.
  2. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    She's a clone. The mysterious Pepper is much prettier.
  3. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    Yeah! A lot of people think they're ugly. :smack Non-chicken owners, maybe. Rose combs are my favourite. Especially on the cockerels, for some reason.
  4. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    I re-homed one bird in all this time, a young Chantecler cockerel who decided my leg was a good thing to attack. He went to a nice place and got himself a few new girlfriends. Fortunately I'm allowed cockerels now. I can happily be overrun. My cockerel ratio is rather worrying at 4 boys to 8...
  5. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    I don't get rid of birds. She's a lovely girl. A bit flighty, but nice natured. Her eggs were very pale.
  6. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    It does! Have to say I really do like rose combs. Some people think they're ugly.
  7. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    Thank you. I was particularly attached to the Barred Cochin. He died in my hands. Yup, and Dr. Pepper occasionally too... She did indeed. I'm surprised I managed to hatch three. They were very fragile.
  8. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    I would be excited if she had Wyandotte in her. Her body type isn't Wyandotte. I wondered if she was a bantam at one point. She laid eggs for one year and hasn't laid since. Her eggs were paper white. And paper thin.
  9. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    #1 Single combed cockerel. (My brother named him Wallace after a Fire Emblem character... :rolleyes:) #2 Pullet. #3, #4 Rose combed cockerel. #5 Better pic of Pepsi's comb. The rose combed cockerel lived for about a year before being killed by his brother. Single combed cockerel died...
  10. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    Right... Prepare to be photo spammed. First photo are the group of chicks I bought from a shady guy. Pepper is the far right. She had a small amount of white but lost it quickly. LS is on the left. I believe the other three were a Leghorn, a Barred Cochin and another Cochin. They died as chicks...
  11. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    It's definitely a good guess. I will say that I live in Ireland, and we get few exotic breeds here. Majority of people have RSL. SLW is about as exotic as we get. I got four other chicks alongside her. I have one of them left. A pure LS. I will quickly dig around and try to find some...
  12. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    Yep. She had two sons (one single combed, one rose combed) and one daughter (single combed)
  13. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    Silence! OHR's Pepper is superior. Thanks, was just about to tag you. Now I did actually consider Black Wyandotte. She has the right skin colour. I'll look for photos of her was a few years ago, and none lived very long lives. That's another story. Her comb doesn't quite...
  14. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    You are let off because you own very cute Orpington chicks. You could be right. Australorp & JG were two I thought she was originally, but I decided she was JG due to the skin colour. She could well be partly Aussie.
  15. The Happster

    Breeds in Pepper...?

    Four year old Pepper...curious to know what breeds could be in her. Comb is like a rose comb. Shanks are clean; slate, skin colour is yellow. Pretty small bird, was black and white as a chick. Her eyes are brown. Originally thought she was a Jersey Giant, but of course comb is wrong. She's a...
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