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  1. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    Sounds like you are making great progress with him. :thumbsup
  2. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    Is this a scab? so hard to tell by a picture? Thinking if you soak and it is a scab you might be able to gently pull off the scab and get out the infection. Like was said in the emergency section poultry pus is thick, not runny like us humans so if the scab comes off you'd have a better time...
  3. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    Put some Neosporin or trip antibiotic on it or soak it in some warm Epsom salt water [don't let him drink the water it works as a laxative too.]then put the antibiotic ointment on it. Wait a few days and see if it starts going away. How long was he on the Baytril? I'm pretty sure 7 days is the...
  4. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    Put the Nutri drench into his drinking water. you can give it to him by mouth but you have to be very careful he doesn't aspirate on it. I am so happy to hear he is at least trying now to get up. keep up with the baths so he can keep his muscles from getting any weaker. Hopefully his appetite...
  5. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    If it doesn't feel like there is any fluid in it I wouldn't cut into it. Just keep on with what you are doing. If it changes and goes back to being filled with fluid then it would be time to open it and drain it but for now I'd just watch it. I know you have another thread going about this so...
  6. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    Doesn’t sound like there is anything in it to Lance now if it’s gotten dry and hard maybe it opened on its own? Can you get a real good pic of it?
  7. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    Just make sure to place the mirror where he can't knock it over on him. Keep us updated. Have you lanced the cyst on his wing yet?
  8. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    Poultry cell or Nutri drench. Might help get his appetite back. That's good he is getting warm baths and using his legs. Will he try and stand in the water? Try a mirror and the stuffed Pekin he may like the Pekin he may not but try. The mirror always seems to cheer them up.
  9. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    That's good news he's doing better. Are you in a climate where he has access to a pool? Or can you put him into the bathtub? He needs to have some therapy and water therapy is the best it takes the pressure off the legs and back but helps build muscle back from not being able to move around much...
  10. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    How is your drake doing? @Chikenshiken
  11. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    I know you will. Please keep us updated on how he is doing. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have we're here to help if we can.
  12. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    Forgot to say :welcome You could pick up some Poultry cell from TSC or another feed store or poultry Nutri drench they can both help when recovering and they aren't interested in eating their normal feed. It's important they eat a balanced diet so they have a better chance of recovering. I...
  13. Miss Lydia

    DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?

    Might want to make him a shoe to keep his foot flat and stop his toes from curling, take a piece of plastic [something like a cool whip container] and cut it into the shape of his foot then wrap in vet wrap to cover all edges then lay his feet on this then wrap with vet wrap. This will keep his...
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