DUCK ATTACKED BY RACCOON three weeks ago. Help with wounds. Should he be better by now?


Feb 1, 2023
My duck was attacked by a raccoon three weeks ago. His brother sadly had to be put down yesterday because his leg issues were too severe to fix. However, my ducks legs look a lot better, not saying that means much, than his brother. After having to put his brother down, as they are both my first and only ducks, I am becoming incredibly anxious that I’ll have to put down my living duck now. So I’m asking for any additional advice you guys may give me. He has sustained damage on his legs and left wing. All of which are seeming to get better but he is still not able to walk. These photos are AFTER an epsom salt soak so they appear wet but in reality, they are quite dry. Skin is starting to fall off as it, I think, is healing. Here’s is what I’ve been doing so far:

epsom salt soak ten minutes
saline spray

baytril is on the way! Should be arriving tomorrow

my most concern is that: he is still not walking but he can move his feet and kicks them around. His toes also seemed to be curled most of the time but both feet and legs are warm to the touch, all is getting blood flow. His left wing seems stiff? But I wouldn’t say it’s broken, he moved it quite frequently but I can’t extend it the full length and it’s a little droopy, it feels as if there is a muscle stopping it from extending out. I provided photos of the left and right foot, and left and right wing for comparison of the wing length and how far I can pull the left wing back. Anything helps, thank you! I do not want to lose my last duck to this attack


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Might want to make him a shoe to keep his foot flat and stop his toes from curling, take a piece of plastic [something like a cool whip container] and cut it into the shape of his foot then wrap in vet wrap to cover all edges then lay his feet on this then wrap with vet wrap. This will keep his feet from permanently curling under. Hopefully, we use this for curled toes in ducklings and chicks too. When he is getting his soaks is he floating around in a tub of warm water, asking because water therapy is great for keeping muscles from getting weak when recovering. So you might want to try nice warm water therapy a couple times a day. [Take his shoes off when he goes for water therapy.] I wouldn't use Epsom salt when letting him swim around in the tub it can cause dehydration. But soaking in a container will work.
Sounds like he really got injured from this attack and it will take a while to fully recover but i wouldn't give up on him.
Is he eating good? that is always a good sign the he hasn't given up.
Might want to make him a shoe to keep his foot flat and stop his toes from curling, take a piece of plastic [something like a cool whip container] and cut it into the shape of his foot then wrap in vet wrap to cover all edges then lay his feet on this then wrap with vet wrap. This will keep his feet from permanently curling under. Hopefully, we use this for curled toes in ducklings and chicks too. When he is getting his soaks is he floating around in a tub of warm water, asking because water therapy is great for keeping muscles from getting weak when recovering. So you might want to try nice warm water therapy a couple times a day. [Take his shoes off when he goes for water therapy.] I wouldn't use Epsom salt when letting him swim around in the tub it can cause dehydration. But soaking in a container will work.
Sounds like he really got injured from this attack and it will take a while to fully recover but i wouldn't give up on him.
Is he eating good? that is always a good sign the he hasn't given up.
I was thinking of doing the shoe thing but didn’t know how so thank you! I’ve been giving him epsom salt soaks in a small tub (so he can’t drink or swim in it) but when I put him in a warm bath a day ago he seemed very happy and active, so I’ll do more of those. As for eating, he won’t eat his regular feed that he used to enjoy. However, he eats an abundance of vegetables, fruits, and seeds. I am worried that this diet isn’t providing him the necessary nutrients he needs since he is prefers to eat kale, spinach, tomato, and seeds like scratch or bird seeds. I have noticed he has lost a bit of weight, not incredibly noticeable but it is there
Forgot to say :welcome

You could pick up some Poultry cell from TSC or another feed store or poultry Nutri drench they can both help when recovering and they aren't interested in eating their normal feed.
It's important they eat a balanced diet so they have a better chance of recovering. I know you know this by what you are saying. Another thing might be to try some feed made into a warm soup. Sometimes they will drink their feed when not feeling well. You could also add some of the things you mentioned in with the soupy feed to see if that might entice him to eat also. Then as he begins to eat just start gradually removing the other things and just give them as a treat. Also, make sure to offer him some grit they have to be able to grind up what they are eating. Hopefully, with the care you're giving him he will continue to recover and I'm sure he is going to be lonely if he is the only one left so maybe you can think about a few friends for him sometime in the near future?
I am very sorry you had to have your other injured one down. :hugs
Forgot to say :welcome

You could pick up some Poultry cell from TSC or another feed store or poultry Nutri drench they can both help when recovering and they aren't interested in eating their normal feed.
It's important they eat a balanced diet so they have a better chance of recovering. I know you know this by what you are saying. Another thing might be to try some feed made into a warm soup. Sometimes they will drink their feed when not feeling well. You could also add some of the things you mentioned in with the soupy feed to see if that might entice him to eat also. Then as he begins to eat just start gradually removing the other things and just give them as a treat. Also, make sure to offer him some grit they have to be able to grind up what they are eating. Hopefully, with the care you're giving him he will continue to recover and I'm sure he is going to be lonely if he is the only one left so maybe you can think about a few friends for him sometime in the near future?
I am very sorry you had to have your other injured one down. :hugs
Thank you for your condolences, this is very hard since I’m only 17 and having to do all this by myself. This is the first poultry I’ve ever lost. I’m planning on adopting a duck around his age from a local rescue, hopefully, in the spring. I’ll try nutri drench and thank you very much! I’ve talked to a few other people but you have been the most help, I appreciate it a lot. I’ll take all your advice into account and hopefully get him back to normal as soon as he can :highfive:
How is your drake doing? @Chikenshiken
Hi Lydia! He is doing better than when I last took those photos. Almost all the blackness is gone and the skin on his ankle is starting to peel off with healing underneath. He developed a weird cyst on his wing, I saw you liked the post so I’m sure you’re aware. It doesn’t look to be infected so I’m not really sure what it is yet. It still worries me that he isn’t walking either still but he’s been kicking around to wiggle himself in different directions to lay down. He moves his feet but not very much 🥺 I don’t know when is the normal amount of time he is supposed to be better I guess I see these other duck owners who’s ducks were also attacked and got better in 2 weeks and make me wonder if he should be walking by now and eating normally. It seems like he just hates his food now and even when I mix it with his favorite treats he refused to eat it and even shakes his head. It’s not like he isn’t eating it’s more like he just doesn’t like what he used to eat anymore and I’m not sure why. I’ll keep trying but I can’t seem to figure out why he is so disgusted by something he used to eat so much of. He’s still eating just a lot of veg and seeds. Besides eating and walking all his wounds are healing pretty rapidly now

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