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  1. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Hey y'all! It has been ages since I have posted anything... But, I have been "lurking" & trying to keep up with everyone. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful FIRST DAY OF SPRING.... although it doesn't feel like it! :-) Anyway - I'm just posting to say that I will have some...
  2. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I was just fixing to post the same thing... they do kinda look like woodies. After looking at the pics again, they look to have the very distinctive orange at the end of the bill.
  3. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Just had to share this pic of the "kids" because I thought it was too funny! I let them out to free range... and this was their "OMG, WE ARE FREE!" dance
  4. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Abbie - I am SO SORRY! I completely understand your heartbreak... I lost 8 ducks to the neighbors dog that got under the fence. It was very very gruesome and heart breaking.... But that was the neighbor dogs, and I just hated them with a passion after that. Unfortunately, the neighbor dogs are...
  5. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Have you candled them? You should be able to tell if any if the air sacs are detached. That is reasoning behind leaving the tuner off. However, I have been told by several people that have much more knowledge and experience than I, that improper turning, especially early on can cause development...
  6. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Well, I've been fighting with the iPhone the past couple of days to get some pictures posted with no success. I don't know why, but I just can't post via mobile anymore. Anyway..... Here are some pics of the goose babies in their little diapers. Here is Boudreaux, watching over HIS baby geese...
  7. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    LOL - I was the same way when I got my goosey eggs!!! I was like a little kid on Christmas morning. My husband was just looking at me crazy, but he does that all the time... That's what happens when a city boy marries Ellie Mae Clampet . But, I was SLOWLY unwrapping them, and then inspecting...
  8. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Neat idea with the water bottles, PrimRoseMom. I'll have to try it!
  9. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    When I was working out of New Orleans, I would have to trips to Thibodaux. There was a couple of people there that really swore by the stuff. I don't have any experience with it, so I don't know. But, I have heard of it before, so it's not totally crazy I'm thinking that I may have to get a...
  10. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Yes, for some reason, flies just LOVE the color white! Another thing that works really good for flies is called blue marlin. You can get it at the feed store. It's little blue granules and it kills them. BUT, you need to put it somewhere where the birds can't get into it. We have used that in...
  11. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Just gotta love OLD people!!! (no offense to anyone out there!! Unless you are 80+ and could of had this convo - LOL) I bet she's going to blame your chickens for the "regular" birds pooping on stuff.... I hope not, though!! Like I said, just gotta love old people. It has dropped a hair...
  12. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Also - about doing the "deed" I don't have a problem doing it if I didn't raise it. I worked the kill floor for a few years, and you do get used to it. I don't now if I would be able to kill something that I had raised unless I had them in a separate pen and KNEW that they were going to be...
  13. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Awww... the little lambs are so darn cute!! To be honest with you, I have never had any lamb... I have eaten the crazy stuff like rattle snake (which isn't bad), but never lamb. La Mike - aren't foxes hard to catch? I thought that I heard that somewhere. I'm just clueless when it comes to...
  14. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I bet that would be pretty cute, actually! :-)
  15. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Y'all may think that I'm crazy... but.... Has anyone ever tried using diapers on their birds or having them in the house? I'm just wondering...
  16. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I know! I could sit and watch mine all day! There are lots of good people on here with tons of info! If you have a question, just ask away! I am fairly new to poultry as well (I have waterfowl - couple of ducks, couple of goslings) and have learned lots from the people on this forum.
  17. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    She prob doesn't need it, but it won't hurt a thing to put some in the brooder with her. :-) Wishing u the best of luck! I pray the others hatch for you!!!
  18. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    PSJ - do u have others that r trying to hatch? If so, I'd leave it. If not, u can move it to a brooder. Generally they stay in the incubator for about 12-24 hours to dry off, but we are kind of winging it here :-) My iPhone hasn't been able to upload pics here for about a month now... :-/...
  19. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!! :-)
  20. TruBluCG

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    PJS - I wish you the very best of luck with the eggs!!! If you don't have an incubator, then the shoebox & heat lamp would be the best way to go in my opinion. I don't know about chickens, but I know that with ducks and geese, you need to bump up the humidity. That would be my only suggestion...
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