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  1. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Morning. So when will this girlies start laying? Any way to know what is coming? They are some well fed brats. I dropped a 10 lb gorgeous watermelon I had just picked out the garden yesterday, so they got it. The little bit I salvaged was wonderful. Lucky things. They are eating cherry...
  2. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Poppin in to say hi. You have been a chatty bunch lately.
  3. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Quote: Hi! I am your neighbor in Tangipahoa Parish.
  4. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Ok. I have an aunt in Tensas who knows everybody, I must ask. Lol.
  5. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Quote: Not sure where Olla is but someone just posted some for sell on the Baton Rouge CL yesterday!! 45 minutes north of alex and 50 miles south of monroe , we can get to Monroe to buy the Blue laced if anyone wants to sell them , my...
  6. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Quote: Dude, one phrase; chicken math. Google chicken math, search it here. Listen to me!!! Do not get 3 chicks. I started out wanting 4 hens and I was mad that TSC would not sell me 4 (min of 6). Then I decided on 6, but got 8 since some would die or be Roos. Then I built for 16 and decided...
  7. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Yes. I hate hate hate snakes. I always said I could never shoot an animal, but I sure will shoot a snake. How many chickens did you lose?
  8. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Finally identified that little gray/white chick. jersey Giant!!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  9. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I identified one of my mystery "rainbow layers" today!! Hamburg!
  10. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    KuntryGirl, my little boy loved all your animal pictures! He was so excited.
  11. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Quote: Welsummers are so beautiful! Good luck!
  12. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Cajun Magnolia, (I can not do quotes on the iPad, sorry) I have made 2 different batches. The better one was 3 c. Apple cider vinegar, 2 cups white vinegar, 5 cups sugar, 2 Tbsp mustard seed, 2 tsp. Celery seed, 2 tbsp picking spice and. 1/2 tsp red pepper and 1/2 tsp turmeric. I used sliced...
  13. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Quote: Funny you should ask about canning today. I pickled green beans, okra, and cucumbers today and just finished peeling and cutting 30 pounds of carrots to pickle tomorrow. I have more carrots that I'm thinking of pressure canning, but I may have to buy more jars. lol Quick question...
  14. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Hi ShdyLdy! Yes, chickens a so addictive!! I wanted 4... I have 16. And I am researching meat birds. Lol. They a fun! barred Ocks are good layers. They are my friendliest birds and they are pretty. I have a question: who cans? I have fallen in love with canning and pickling. The pressure...
  15. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Look at all the ducks!!! They are so cute! My four year old has fallen in love with the chickens again. He was meh for a few weeks, but the last few days, he has been asking to go visit them. He wants to pet the Orpingtons and even held the little mystery chick for a second. He brings them...
  16. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    That chicken looks amazing!!!! make sure you save the scraps and carcass fir stock. You can even freeze it and wait til you have a few and make a huge pot to freeze or can. Really get your money worth out of those birds!
  17. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    KuntryGirl, I have weather anxiety too. I am sorry you are going through this. We had massive damage during Gustavo and storms make me crazy. You will all get to see my crazy this summer when there are storms headed for the Gulf.
  18. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Who wants to tell me what I've got? The feathered feet is a light Brahma, right? And the brown/black is a wynadotte, as is the silver/black. I am guessing....
  19. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

  20. amylou22

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    My husband would have KILLED ME! Go guess breed for me!
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