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  1. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    bon jour mon amis sorry to hear of everyone's losses, but yall are sure has been hot...and dry!!! might have to start doin a rain dance soon. the barnyard is all finally trimmed down for the winter, and the freezer is full, gonna have to start having some suppers to clear out some...
  2. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    hey guys how have all of yall been? busy out here on the prairie. had a feed and birthday shopping run, a wedding, a family get together, and spent today first buying wire for cages, and then building new rabbit cages. my dd found a mini rex rabbit at the feed store she just fell in love with...
  3. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    we rarely leave eggs out, have heard the same 1 day = 1week, however in the winter we usually leave a few on the counter because we eat gumbo at least once a week and you just gotta have potato salad with it, and the eggs peel so much easier if left out for a couple of days. in fact i leave them...
  4. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    by the way the waning crescent for next month is the 22nd-24th. i feed 16% protein layer pellets after POL, usually use 20% starter/grower from hatch to POL, however i'm gonna be getting some buckeyes next, i really like what i've been reading about them. it's recommended to use 28-30% protein...
  5. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Quote: That is great. I bet that is a good feeling to get that out of the way and know that you and your family have a freezer full of healthy yard birds. Do you dry or wet pluck? Which is the easiest? i guess its wet plucking, i scald them first, only way i've ever done it. never tried...
  6. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    soo sorry for yall that are gettin too much rain, it's rained the past 4 days over here, nothing major, just good ol' slow soaking light rain for 3-4 hrs a day, my trees are finally turning green again and so is the grass, i guess i'll have to start cutting again.!!! well we made it through the...
  7. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    cool, i have some buckeye chicks coming in late august/early september, but i can't wait, trying to convince my wife to drive up to arkansas to pick up some from a breeder there, right now her answer is , i'm gonna keep trying and probably end up like this have a great day dave
  8. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    boy i tell ya, kuntrygirl, if i ever lose anything i want it to be at your place, you just don't give up!!!! KUDOS TO YOU!!!! much more pt than i am, first thing i do is get really upset when the neighbors dog runs around my pens or brings trash into my yard have a great sunday dave
  9. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    i've tried broilers in the past, tried the cornish x and had the worst luck, chicks died very easily, and the end results were not up to size (i used 20% grower for them) then last year i got some red rangers and johnny greys from s and g poultry, talk about a difference, only lost 2 out of 40...
  10. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    give 'em the water, first i think it will help flush them out, secondly in the heat we've been having you could end up with chicken jerky!!! no seriously, i would give them the water, it will help flush the crop and intestines, kinda of like we do for folks before a colonoscopy. dave
  11. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    please send the rain my way, i want 3 days of slow and steady , no gullywashers please, i need it soo bad!!! i think i'm starting to sound like and addict lol !!!! peace dave
  12. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    hey guys, hope yall are havin a good day, i'm at work, shhh! don't tell anyone!!, i'm having a plucking party monday and tuesday, and i'm inviting all of yall, don't have to rsvp, just show up!!! yall have a great day david
  13. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    after listening to ya'll the past couple of pages, makes me glad that i only live on 2 acres (keep wishing for more, so people could call me ol'McDonald and sing songs lol) but the size of my place keeps me in check and the dw keeps me in reality!!!! only if i could get my neighbor to...
  14. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    bon jour to all, gracie, what kind of incubator do you have, and how much do you want for it? everything's good on my end, could use some more rain. hope everyone's having a great day!!! peace, david
  15. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    well mon amis, i just couldn't help myself, brooder was empty and the quail i was supposed to get had a 0%hatch rate , or at least that's what the guy told me. it's just too freakin' hot. sooooo, i just had to order some more chickens, gonna try some buckeyes this time around, got them from a...
  16. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    well we finally got a little rain today, of course it was while i was in the middle of cuttin the yard, but made me so happy i actually slowed down a little and let it was h the dust off!!!, chickens went running for cover and were looking at each other like what's goin on here , but the ducks...
  17. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    glad ya'll are getting the rain, it just turns blue all around me and every once in a while a few drops fall. drove through mamou and redell today they look like they got a bout an inch or so, so jealous of my b-n-l, i'm only 15 miles north of them. anyways good day to work in the shop, got...
  18. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    hey guys, i love lamb, in fact if it wasn't that i have only a 1/2 acre area to make a pasture out of, i would have some. i'm just afraid of the feed bill going through the roof and the grass disappearing!!!! anyways, my fav way to cook it is to take a boneless leg of lamb, stuff it full of...
  19. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    pretty simple te= "little" (in cajun) dave= david (in many languages) te dave = old nickname from mama and uncles when i was alot younger (not so "te" anymore)
  20. te dave

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    bon jour amis! just found out about this thread from catdaddyfro. giving a shout out from pine prairie had one of them ol'possums visit a few months back, he liked it so much came back a few nights later and now is resting in the tree line behind the coop! lol, :lol:hope he didn't tell any...
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