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    Mycoplasma what to do

    Noeta (the sick hen) is doing very good, I got home and saw that her eyes are both open and not bubbly and she’s eating and drinking. I did hear her sneeze so I’ll keep her separated another day to make sure she’s good but she’s getting better and has almost her normal energy back
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    Her attitude has improved and her poop is now normal instead of liquidy she just still has bubbly eyes but it’s a lot better that it was
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    Ok, she is not laying right now and i can’t usually tell her eggs apart as they are light brown like most of the others so I won’t use any meds that have egg withdrawal times. And I’ll do my best until the tylosin comes
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    Yes I found that out but my dad is insisting that it will work so I’ll just make sure to tell him that it won’t
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    I have erythromycin does that have an egg withdrawal and should I treat her with it
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    Does ivermectin treat mycoplasma or diseases like it
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    Ok thanks for the reminder, I’ll get some tylosin
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    My mom said she found out the medicine made it so that we couldn’t eat the eggs is that true because for now I have to stop treating her the body is already gone so that isn’t an option
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    I’m in Colorado so I’ll start looking at what the protocol is
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    Yes I wil get a picture
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    Okay I will treat my bird with the doxycycline for once I figure out what dosage she needs
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    Except for my sick girls the rest of my birds are laying and acting normal, so they don’t have anything that stops laying but the sick one hasn’t laid an egg yet
  13. B

    Mycoplasma what to do

    What dosage of the doxycycline should I give her
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    I’ve done some more research and some things it could be are E. coli rhinitis or influenza as well as mycoplasma
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    I just had a hen who had to be culled, she was still except for convulsions could that have been new castles she didn’t have any of the other symptoms so could the convulsions have been something else or do all my birds have Newcastle’s and just haven’t shown it yet except for this one
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    Mycoplasma what to do

    For now I’ll keep her separated until I can get a more sturdy diagnosis and do more research about antibiotics
  17. B

    Mycoplasma what to do

    Your very helpful thank you so much I really appreciate your help
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