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  1. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    A chipmunk will burrow and tunnel and are VERY destructive "ground dwellers" they can have very elaborate tunnel systems to the point they can collaps a driveway and also collaps a friends in ground pool liner. You are well justified to worry about those cute little destroyers!! Ha
  2. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Try Google Chrome!!! It's Wonderful!!
  3. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    The Chooks enjoying some Kale in the safety of the run...... The HAWKS have been relentless. Grrrrr! On a side note I think I'm going to get a couple panels of clear roofing and attach them to the run as a wind barrier for the winter. How are you all faring the cold so far?!?!
  4. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I added this light to my run to keep my gang outdoors a bit longer, the shade creeps up quick over the run even though its still early. Maybe something like this would work in your coop to be rid of the extension cord?!?
  5. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hope there's one and only or the others sensed danger and relocated!! Great Job~!~
  6. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I am Sooooo Excited!! The Hubster got the cameras hooked up and running in the Coop and Run~ Now we can check on them all hours of the day and night!!! Super if I wasn't obsessed enough?!? Haaaa
  7. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anyone interested or know someone who'd be interested in re homing my 4month old Splash(?)Silkie Roo?? He's not mean, he's very generous to the girls but he hasn't established his own little grouping so he hops on to the girls at the same time the dominant Roo is mounting. The girls are getting...
  8. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hammock... Ha
  9. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Of My Eye....
  10. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thought this was So Cute...had to share!!!
  11. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Heeeey.....No New Squatters yet, but look what I found?!? Guess I better watch the nest boxes more carefully!?! Cute Lil Thing.......Ha!
  12. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Diggity Dog!!!!
  13. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My hubby didn't want to spend all this summer finishing a run like he did last year doing the shack!! Soooo.... We spent the money now so we won't have to worry about doing it all over again down the road. I worry so much being so close to the creek and state land beyond our property. Being...
  14. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Eeeeeee..... I'm So Excited the Run is Finally Secure, and with all the surprise storms it's Perfect!!! Hope we buried the cloth far enough out, is 18 inches enough for most predators that would dig?!?!
  15. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Happy Belated Birthday!!! Sorry I missed it....have ya considered the Butterfly Exhibit Schenectady Museum......I've heard it's Beautiful!?!?
  16. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    It like its Hot!!
  17. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I know for a fact it works!! It's not ye penny as much as the water in the Baggie. It messes with the way the Fly sees and redirects them so they are unable to fly thru any doorway or window the Baggie is hung. Pretty cool and very inexpensive deterant.
  18. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

  19. NookNook01

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    And Miss Piggy.... Whoops you said Hermit not Kermit!! Hehehee
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