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  1. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I don't believe its slipped tendon. I've had a slipped tendon chick in the past and it slowly died over weeks as it got smaller and smaller. I believe this is neurological from being in the egg too long. With the bent neck now, it is difficult to assess if it can survive. For all its been...
  2. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My blue wheaten Ameraucana and BCM hatch didn't do very well. I have one BWA that has spraddle leg and one BCM zipped and stayed in the egg for over 24 hours with its beak sticking out of the shell. When I came home from work and saw it was still in the egg I pulled it out. The poor thing...
  3. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Bravo! Mine are on Day 12. I will start my 2nd bator going this Saturday. We have hatching calendar progression charts on the refrigerator so the kids can keep track of what is happening inside the eggs each day. We candle on Day 7 and 14 and I let the kids try to decide if each are...
  4. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Our insurance on the farm is so expensive at first I thought, wow, $100 a year seems like nothing. Then I started to think and I must sell 33 dozen eggs just to pay for the insurance (at $3/doz). If I was to use new cartons they run about $0.50 each. Cost of running small fridge or making ice...
  5. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    What does the insurance cover? Are there any other NYS requirements that you know of? I've read that other states say the eggs must be kept below x degrees, egg cartons cannot either be reused or all writing needs covered up, and Name, address and phone number must be on carton along with a...
  6. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    We purchased our farm over a decade ago as a private sale from a very nice elderly Woman whose Husband had run the dairy farm and passed away. Her Son, who was the black sheep of the family and who fought with his mother to the day of her death, thought he was to inherit the farm. Somehow when...
  7. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My chicken math has finally resulted in more fresh eggs than I am selling/giving to friends and family by word of mouth. I am pondering a road side sign or stand with cooler. We have a small pleasure horse farm in Onondaga county, town of Onondaga. Does anyone know what regulations I need to...
  8. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    How has your egg color been. One ebay seller is claiming very dark eggs with their Golden Cuckoos. My BCM's start out their cycle with very dark eggs but I much prefer the coloring of the Golden cuckoo birds. I have 2 mixed breed hens that came from my Blue Wheaten Ameraucana over a Dark...
  9. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Oh! I've been hovering over the buy it now button on Ebay for some Golden Cuckoo Marans. I love the coloring. Do you have a breeding pair or are you starting with hatching eggs?
  10. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    On day 11 with BCM and Blue Wheaten Ameraucana in bator. Day 7 candling showed both of my flocks seem to have excellent fertility despite the crazy weather we have been having. My BCM's seemed to have stopped laying with this new cold front. I'm going to start my second bator going this...
  11. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Here is the exact model I have used over the years with no problems. I think I originally purchased it years ago at Agway but they are still selling the exact same model on amazon. This past winter was the longest and coldest I have seen in Upstate NY and this kept the nipples ice free...
  12. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I have been treating a chick for the past couple of weeks with "wry neck.". The chick was doing great and I thought I was out of the woods (5 weeks old and no symptoms). This afternoon when I went out to the grow out brooder the chick was on its back with it head pinned to its back and the...
  13. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My wife is working in Waterloo next week. I'll have to call HEP and see if they have extra pallets available. If so DW might be going to work in a large farm truck .
  14. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    There are lots of wonderful chicken breeders in Texas. I have BCM and Blue Wheaten Ameraucana chicks in my brooder that I hatched from eggs shipped from Texas breeders. If you fill your carry-on and pockets you may be able to get a better hatch rate than those shipped by USPS .
  15. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Where is everyone finding their pallets. I have a few (ok neverending) coop projects planned and would love to use re-purposed pallets.
  16. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I need to find the time to find my garden. I have the backhoe on the tractor right now and need to dig a small water pond for the horses for the summer. Then I can remove the backhoe and hook up the tiller. Before I till I have to pull out last years stakes/fences, mow everything down, spray...
  17. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    The Poultry Hatchery 0 Reviews 4301 Ridge Road PO BOX 128 Seneca Falls, New York 13148 (315) 257-9100 Website That is where I got my first chickens. My experience was very good. I got EE, dark and light Brahamas, Amber links, and Australorps from them. The only negative was the extra...
  18. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I just discovered a strange scientific phenomenon. My barn is 5 times further from my house when I am trying to collect eggs during a thunderstorm with pouring rain!
  19. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Howdy, We're in S Onondaga, not too far.
  20. Pharkas

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Today is day 20 for my Blue Wheaten Ameraucana and BCM eggs. Both sets I purchased from breeders in Texas. I set 15 of each type. The Ameraucana eggs had 4 yokers and 2 early death by day 14. The BCM had 4 clear eggs by day 14 (very dark eggs and difficult to candle). I locked down 20 eggs...
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