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  1. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    hi Lizzy, wow, I must have posted that years ago, around 5yrs or so! I used to be on here all the time. Then I had my son and that took over my world...still does! What kind of chickens do you have. A cny chicken stock?! Sounds cool. Are there any WNY peeps with barred rock fertile eggs for...
  2. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    anyone know if the state fair is separating the LF from the bantams again this year? and if so, what day are they doing the switch?
  3. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Quote: yea...good luck with that sale! If you still have them in october, there is an auction at batavia fairgrounds and the people I have seen there are real nice. I have no problems getting rid of excess roos at those auctions and they go to loving homes. email me if you need info on the...
  4. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    lol, they are not old enough to drink except maybe one... I bet they would drink some beer though!
  5. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    When I was pregnant I had one of my friends kids come over and clean it, I overpaid him and no one ever does as good as a job as I do. But it did the trick when I couldn't bend over. Took me almost 3 hours to clean it one day and that's when I figured I was too pregnant to clean it. I am very...
  6. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    congrats sachasmom, I just had a little boy 10 weeks ago. If you think you are hormonal now, just wait! Sorry to hear about your coop/chicken situation. It's so darn hot we all might be a few birds shorter come the end of the week...hopefully just roos are lost. I got COLD hearty...
  7. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Quote: one for the westerners you say? I would love info on that (and didn't have time to search through 100's of pages in this thread to find it) I am not postive but I think she may have been talking about the one in Eastern New York..and the one up way up North!..Both fell on weekends that...
  8. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Quote: one for the westerners you say? I would love info on that (and didn't have time to search through 100's of pages in this thread to find it)
  9. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    just another reminder for those of us on the western portion of the state: the auction is this saturday...I will be there!
  10. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Quote: Thank you so very much for posting that!!!! I never find out until its over. I was wondering what they mean by a viewable box? Does that mean they need to be in like a wire cage? If so does the cage go with them? I sure can't afford to be getting rid of cages. ya...the cages go...
  11. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!! I know that almost no one on this post is from my side of the state, but wanted to share this link. They are holding the auction in may and october...not a show, but I know that there are a few of you, like me, that have a few roos to...
  12. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Quote: Hello from Leroy!
  13. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    ya think it's safe to take out the water heaters now?
  14. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    speaking of auctions...anyone know when they hold the ones in Batavia? Or any on the west side of the state? I have 5 cockerals ready to find a new home and since I will probably not be able to get rid of them on CL, I will need to get them to the auction. and pray no one eats them After my...
  15. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Tab's chicken obsession : We lost our old beagle this morning. Found a pee mess after everyone had been out once so I was making all the dogs go out again. The others went right out. I looked into our game room and he was laying in a ray of sunshine. He looked like he was comfy basking in...
  16. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Quote: just think...broody hens get off the nest for an hour or 2 the 1st week of sitting, I'm sure all will be well!
  17. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Quote: I would think they would do fine in the winter due to thier rose comb and not the typical leghorn comb. My leghorns seem to do just fine in this weather, no heated coop, but insulated and usually warmer in there than outside.
  18. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I am contemplating what I want my broodies to hatch out this year....Since I have so many hens now that all lay brown eggs I can't tell which egg is what! Anyone have any fertile eggs they would be willing to part with? I would like to stick with pure breds cause I could hatch out mutts on my...
  19. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Quote: I hear ya.. try buying a straight run and having to give those roos away...that was painful, but I would have had dead birds if I kept all those roos. Had them on CL for 2 months with no luck and of course, no auctions in sight at that time.
  20. rcentner

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Tab's chicken obsession : Shut the boys and girls in last night did a head count and realized my splash BLRW roo was missing. Searched all over last night and again this morning with no luck, not even a pile of feathers some place. I'm hoping he turns up today. The week before christmas I...
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