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  1. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    In the car for another 6 hours today. Made the 3 hours drive down to Mondovi and back. Here was our big purchase for the day! It is a used 2004, but in awesome condition.
  2. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: Man he is a beautiful horse. I wish I could help.....
  3. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thanks FrenchToast! I know they are addicting. I just cant wait! Hubby and I are already planning a couple trips! We may even do one of those horse riding vacations where you can bring your own horse. We will see how time and money goes. But I would LOVE to do that!!! I cant wait until we...
  4. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hey everyone! Sorry I have been abscent for a while. Hubby and I have been researching horses etc. We have bought 2 awesome geldings and will pick them up in April as soon as we can get some posts in the ground and run some fencing. This will be my second horse and I cannot wait! Now I dont have...
  5. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Havent been on in a while. Just thought I'd drop a line and say Hi to everyone!!! HELLO!!!
  6. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Yikes lots of bad stuff going on. There was a 12 year old boy from my town of Grantsburg that died in Duluth in a ski accident with his church group this weekend. Very sad. They have not released his name yet. On a brighter note. Hubby has been gone for 3 1/2 weeks. He will be home...
  7. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Snow has been melting! This warmer weather sure has been nice. Too bad it wil end soon. Called for more propane today, was down to 35%. I also have my sisters cold, so I have been coughing and plugged up for the last couple days. Blah..... My sister and nephews are coming over tomorrow to...
  8. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Well the little turken didnt make it. He just went to chicken heaven.
  9. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Work comp can be tricky, but most companies are very good about it. PM me if you have questions, I have had some experience with it for my dad and my cousin. I have one little turken that isnt doing very good. Not sure if he is going to make it, we will see.
  10. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thanks for all the compliments guys. Here is some more pics for you to enjoy. I think the rare breed they sent might be a White Crested Black Polish. And here is the Rare Breed they sent
  11. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    GOOOOOOOD MORNING PACKER FANS!!!!!!!!! Just wanted to drop a line and say I got my baby chicks today! Post office called at 7:30 this morning. Chickenvision is up and running!
  12. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I do not have a bator yet either. But I am going back and forth between a brinsea and hova. Lots of people love the hova bator. There are many threads on byc about them.
  13. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: Have you looked at Strombergs? Also, this one is out of Hudson, WI which is close to Minneapolis. He is on BYC too. Maybe you can work something out with them for Marans and Coronation sussex?
  14. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    GothChick I think there is a place that will send less than 25 chicks if you pay extra for shipping for them to include a heat pad with the birds. But I cant remember the name of the hatchery. I think it my have been I think the minimum order was 3 if i remember right...
  15. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    You all have to see this! LOL,AAAAAGgk8Us~,dLqgruaIT6qax7DY_kjdAMdXZHYCM8zP&bctid=775041583001
  16. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: If you need June bearing strawberry plants I will have hundreds to give away when they start sending out runners. I have All Star, Honeoye and Sparkle. They're all grown together so I don't know which is which, but they're all good, so who cares. I'm not too far from you, it might be...
  17. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Welcome to the cheeseheads jvls1942! I just placed my seed order. I FINALLY got another catalog today. Ended up ordering from Saved about $15-20 compared to the other sites I've looked at. Didnt get my strawberries, but I got a bag of inoculant since its the first...
  18. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: Can you PM me a pic of that old tv? I may take you up on that knob offer!
  19. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I am TOTALLY putting knobs on it if I can find some. I have a 4x10 brooder outside that they will move into when they start outgrowing this one. Just have to get it heated up a for a couple days before they make the move. Hubby just got deployed for work. He is heading out to Connecticut to...
  20. magoochie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: It looks like the cats can't wait for dinner to show up. Could be! We made sure there was no way for them to get in. We figured if we had the plexiglass in front, they would sit in front of it instead of on top all the time. Time will tell.
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