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  1. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    We have a lot of clay here too, so it get slick and sticky. makes walking tough. Lost one of my original black rosecomb hens this weekend. She must have been 10 or so. Fred told me to turn them loose, and let them run. I just could not do it. They were never allowed to run, unless they...
  2. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Lizzy, I would gladly send you some!!! we got 1 1/2 inch last night. We are really wet, but, while we were at Garden City this weekend, I had to help my sister clean her basement, she had close to 2 inches in there. Not a nice job, and she "HAD" carpet down, well not any more!!
  3. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    He chicken, I would have given that snake a one way ride somewhere a long way from my house, if it had been in my coop. If you just took him across the street it will be back.
  4. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Ok, I have an Ivy update. She landed a job at the 15th street Walmart. That is the new one that replaced the tornado damaged building. She is a grocery dept. manager, and LOVES this job. She started there around the 1st of June, and just loves this area. They had a contract on their house...
  5. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Well, I am back. I have been so busy with the farm, and fair, that it has almost been impossible to get on. Not a whole lot going on right now, we have been receiving some rain the last few days, so we are starting to green up. sold my wheaten Americana's but I still have my blacks, silver...
  6. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Jhammett~~~ what are you looking for? Lots of us on here have hatching eggs, but besides hatching eggs some of us have pure bred chicks for sale. Myself, I have wheaten ameracana, black ameraucana, easter eggs, in large fowl. In bantams, I have partridge wyandottes, black white creasted...
  7. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    I'm back!! Did you miss me? Wow all most 100 pages of posts. I may have to wait to read all those. Oh, I am getting around on my new computer, the old one ended up having motherboard problems and was going to cost more to fix than a new one. So I went from Vista to windows 8! Sure is new...
  8. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Oh, DANZ!! I am so sorry. This has opened up terrible wounds for me. I lost my dudley, and tyrone to a stupid neighbor that done the same to me. He shot them both. I have never got over loseing either one of them, I am just sick at my stomach thinking about cloud. It is not right. I...
  9. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Oh, man guess I had better chime in!! Good news, Ive got baby rosecombs and wyandottes hatching!! Now, I am having some serious computor problems. So If you do not see me on, its cause I can't get on. I have done just about everything I can. Says Im missing a file. I have made sure Ive...
  10. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Roosterlew, the little chick also has a tale-tell sign that it is an easter egger. Look at the color of the legs. They are a greenish color. Dead give away that the baby is and Easter egger. But, hey if it turns out to be a hen, no telling what color of egg you will get.
  11. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Trish~~ these are birds I got from Ivy, and I only have a pair. The hen lays a very pretty blue egg. She is a two year old, and the cock is 1. I just don't need 3 colors of ameraucana.
  12. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Welcome to att the new people, glad you joined us! It stopped raining here about a hour ago. I didn't have the gauge out, but the way the water is running outside, I bet we got an inch or better. Have all my chores done, except some hay to pen of goats, but that won't take a minute. Handed the...
  13. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    In the process of writing anouther grant for the 4H. This time for a building extension!! I hope I can make this work!!So you may not see me around on here too much, as I have to get all my bids in and this put together by the 31st or before if possible. WEEE off to the funny farm, where life...
  14. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Dont' you just love march weather? We slipped by with some snow, but not much over 2 inches I think, course it was melting as it fell too. Someone was talking about "Rainbow Chickens". The only rainbow that I know of are from a small hatchery in Georgia I believe. These birds were bred...
  15. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Trish~~ get the neomed 325 from the vet. It is a powder, and comes in a envelope type package.
  16. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hawkeye~~~ I really makes me sad that you guys cannot find something there in Wichita!! I know things are tight, and jobs are being cut, or not replacing when people retire, but with your DH and his knowledge, that is just insane. Hey did you get the enevelope I mailed? I just cant hardly...
  17. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    Looks like you have a coccidia infection. Do you have any corid to mix in the water for them?
  18. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    HI everyone!! Oh, I have been on everyonce in awhile. No, I have not moved in the barn, DH, has been puting dirt (clay) in and I have been waiting for him to give me the go-ahead. With the weather turning south again, maybe he will get busy with the hired hand and get the electric in. With...
  19. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    I will contact one of my 4H members, I don't know what waterfowl he has, but may have a harlequin.
  20. checoukan

    Consolidated Kansas

    My olive eggers was just something for me to do. I was curious Anyway, these, cross bred hens are the prettiest hens!! They are black, with reddish hackle feathering, couple not as much, some have feathered shanks, and they all have beards, and muffs!! Really nice quiet hens, and just...
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