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  1. SunnyDawn


    Awwwwww Precious!
  2. SunnyDawn


    Hi Jennerz! I no longer live in Reno but I know a lot of active chicken folk are still in the area. This thread hasn't been active for awhile but hopefully you can get a response from someone in your area. Good luck!
  3. SunnyDawn


    Hi Courtney. This thread hasn't been active for quite awhile. You might try the Las Vegas thread.
  4. SunnyDawn


    I will be sure to let you know when I'm ready.
  5. SunnyDawn


    I am hatching a few but I'm doing so to try and build up my flock. At this rate it will be at least a year, and more likely 2 years before I have extras to sell. :(
  6. SunnyDawn


    YAY! Ameraucana babies! That's good egg color for wheatens. Most people have no issue with hatching those for BCMs as well but you know my penchant for the darkest egg color. I'm only hatching a very small amount of chicks since I'm choosing only my 2 darkest layer's eggs to hatch. It...
  7. SunnyDawn


    Ugh, I've about given up trying to get a good pic of my roo. I tried to get one with hubby holding him out but DH is not so good with these things these days. So I couldn't get a full body shot. Here's that shot though... Then I tried to get a shot when the rain cleared but he wouldn't...
  8. SunnyDawn


    Beautiful birds Chickee! Congrats! So cute!
  9. SunnyDawn


    I've never seen Wheaton Marans. I'd love to see a pic sometime. Pete Ovalle has some lovely birds! He is very picky about his breeding program too. Plus he's such a nice guy. Love the award! So cute! Thank you chickee. I'm looking forward to getting more ameraucanas when you're ready. :)
  10. SunnyDawn


    Wow chickee! Some of those blue eggs are really stunning. I have a plethora of green and green blue eggs but, yeah I'd love some clear or pale blue layers. I know, everyone wants the stunning blues, just like everyone want the darkest marans' eggs. Sometimes I think that's why we treasure...
  11. SunnyDawn


    Chickee, I may want to get some ams from you about mid spring. I'm especially interested in egg color. What breed seems to give you the best egg color?
  12. SunnyDawn


    Yes unfortunately Marans pullets usually lay the darkest eggs. Lightening up as they get older. They also usually lay darker eggs for the first 2 weeks after their winter rest. Although, once in a while, they lay lighter eggs at first then their "spray ducts" seem to kick in. Marans are a...
  13. SunnyDawn


    Those boys are amazing flock protectors aren't they?!! They amaze me the way they will holler and run around getting all the girls in the coop. Most of my boys in the past (I haven't had an issue with hawks here yet) refused to run to safety until all the girls are safe inside. Cracks me up...
  14. SunnyDawn


    Hi chickee! It's raining right now but once it clears up I'll get a pic for you. He is from Wynette and she has some gorgeous birds! A few years ago she was dealing with carnations combs (as so many Marans owners have) as well as a couple of white feathers on the boy's backs, at the tail, but...
  15. SunnyDawn


    I'm doing well thanks. I just put 6 eggs in the bator tonight. I was hoping for more but I also want to stick to only hatching the darkest eggs. I'm hoping for a boy for you. This is my first test hatch with my roo that came from a super dark egg. I hope he's doing his job. :) He has...
  16. SunnyDawn


    Welcome! There used to be a couple of folks from Henderson on here. Super nice folks. Although this thread isn't very active these days. Maybe they're on the Las Vegas thread?
  17. SunnyDawn


    Just giving this a bump since I know there are some folks out there that were interested in turkeys.
  18. SunnyDawn


  19. SunnyDawn


    Great pics goatgirl! That's a beautiful group of critters you have there.
  20. SunnyDawn


    Hi Pinky, welcome! Most of Reno is fairly chicken friendly. The only issue is that the codes state that if they become a nuisance they can revoke your rights to have chickens. So if someone complains then its an issue. Also any HOA can refuse its member's right to own chickens. Sparks has...
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