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  1. horseshowmomnv


    Quote: Good point... don't want to encourage unwelcomed critters, for myself or any neighbors that might have chickens.
  2. horseshowmomnv


    I suppose I feel the same way....
  3. horseshowmomnv


    I was thinking of going out to the blm land and tossing her there, at least the coyotes might get a meal... Please understand I love our chickens and I was/am devastated she died, I have just had one of those mornings... This is what our 17yr son did trying to back out of our driveway this...
  4. horseshowmomnv


    We had one of our Buff Rocks die, not a clue as to why. What do you do with the dead chicken, do you throw it in the trash... seems to me that Waste Management frowns on that besides it will stink by the Monday our garbage day. :(
  5. horseshowmomnv


    Good Morning Everyone! Thank you for the well wishes... It is going to be a journey. For anyone interested I have a created a blog feel free to follow along if so inclined. Jann
  6. horseshowmomnv


    I have been off the loop, I will take some time and read through what everyone has been up too! The past two months I have been preparing for the arrival of my new 6 mos old filly! We traveled 9 hours to Oregon to pick her up. She is now home safe and sound and I can get back to "normalcy"...
  7. horseshowmomnv


    Unfortunately here in the foothills there are so many people who feed and water, and no one to police it people do what they think is best. When are horse was hit several years ago on Toll Rd, it almost took and act of God to get someone to come out and remove the dead horse... no one would...
  8. horseshowmomnv


    Yes, those feral horses are really becoming a problem. There are too many ignorant people "feeding and watering" them so they stay down low, and around neighborhoods. I love horses, has I have my own, but I am constantly on guard with our mare and the stallion. They frequent the neighbors...
  9. horseshowmomnv


    Sheryl, I would love to help you, and anyone else who wants to start!!!! I am no expert but I do have it down pretty well! 2seth2... they will lay soon! I was sooooo excited when we got our first tiny little itty bitty egg!
  10. horseshowmomnv


    My computer is running again, Dell shipped the new hard drive overnight, and a tech came and put it in. Still a blank slate. I highly recommend, encourage, and suggest that everyone backs up there computer some how. My last back up for the overall system was on the 25th of July, luckily...
  11. horseshowmomnv


    It really does bite! However in the scheme of things it could always be worse, kids, horses, dogs, cats, chickens are all healthy today!
  12. horseshowmomnv


    How about... my laptop that I have had 3 mos for NO reason crashed and fried the hard drive. Called Dell, they have never seen this error code with that model. I didn't do anything, it just froze. URGH. All my music from my ipod I have to figure out how to down load that again from my...
  13. horseshowmomnv


  14. horseshowmomnv


    Missy, I have been pressure canning for a couple of years now. My kids love home canned pinto beans, made into "refried" beans. I have pressure canned green beans, corn, and I am sure other things. I have never canned meats, but would like to. A friend just learned how can tuna, she...
  15. horseshowmomnv


    I hot water bathed 5 qts of tomato sauce yesterday, wow was my house hot and humid! YIKES... Hoping the next round will be cooler outside. I have never heard of steam bath canning. Sounds like something worth looking into as it takes a vast amount of energy to heat all the water in the pot...
  16. horseshowmomnv


    That is a great ideal! That is something I could do. Thank you!
  17. horseshowmomnv


    Yes,... inquiring minds would like to know!
  18. horseshowmomnv


    The swamp cooler would be a good idea. If we had more rain I would collect. I read a story about a person in OR who was collecting rain water and the county was trying to tell him he could not because the water was not his... REALLY? So Missy what vegetables do you grow over the winter...
  19. horseshowmomnv


    I suppose we shall wait for Missy to help us out.
  20. horseshowmomnv


    I have a drip system, but no plastic. We shut off the water supply thru the drip system at the first frost, as it is on the same timer as our lawn. I suppose if I need to water after that I will do so by hand.
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