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  1. vegaschick


    Wow! So glad to see that you're still around! I hope all is well and that we can look forward to an update on the chicken front. How are your dogs, your garden and your hubby? Most important, how are you?!?
  2. vegaschick


    Here is a really good roll out nest design by Opa. Lots of folk have used it and loved it. Hope that helps.
  3. vegaschick


    Thanks. I will check. Another time maybe.
  4. vegaschick


    chickee: What breeds do you sell besides Blue Wheaten Ams and Golden Cuckoo Marans? I am impressed by what I have seen. I have 3 broodies right now and am looking for some fertile eggs. Do you ship or could I talk you into visiting Vegas soon? LOL! I usually have rather dismal luck with...
  5. vegaschick


    If you are interested in a FREE dwarf pygmy goat and are able to pick it up in Vegas please pm me. I posted a picture of Dorothy and all the info about her on the Vegas thread HERE on post # 589. Thanks!!!
  6. vegaschick


    No snow on my part of town, but our leaves are finally falling!!! Yay! FALL is here!!! You guys are making me cold just looking at your pictures! Brrrrrr!
  7. vegaschick


    She is definitely an Easter Egger, and a beauty at that. Love that green egg!
  8. vegaschick


    Congrats Peep! I'm so happy for you! It looks like a dream come true. Who can blame you for wanting to get out of Las Vegas, especially in the summer! We will miss your wit and wisdom, though!
  9. vegaschick


    I was worried that some wouldn't be able to figure it out at first. So I cheated. I started with just one and filled it half full of BOSS. My girls will do just about anything for sunflower seeds and sure enough they took to it right away. Replaced the seeds with feed and we were good to go. Now...
  10. vegaschick


    Hi all! I know it's been a real long time since I chimed in here. Hope everyone is doing well. Unfortunately when I try to click on the "unread posts" it only shows the last page, so there's no way for me to catch up. Welcome to all the newbies! I have tomatoes growing in my bucket garden...
  11. vegaschick


    Thanks Ron, I agree with you...and thanks for your willingness to help with a map. I'm fine with just one map too. I have most of the info already on our LV community page. Let me know when you two are ready to roll with it. So in your nightmares you at least had pajamas on...lucky...
  12. vegaschick


    I wonder, if I sent my listings to you could you make a map for the southern end of the state...or should we include them with yours? Whoa! That really caught my attention! I was just quickly perusing the posts for the last week and did a double take. Ha! Good one. For a second I got all...
  13. vegaschick


    Sunny! Thanks so much! What a great setup! I love it. I think I'd like to try something like this for my Utah/Summer coop setup. I'm using 5 gal. bucket waterers with chicken nipples there but they are white and in the summer sun all day and the algae growth is just overwhelming. I'd try this...
  14. vegaschick


    I would really like to see your set up with those barrels. Sounds really interesting. I'm not worried about freezing here in Vegas but it does happen occasionally. I'd like to see the poultry cup set up with the barrels. Please post some pictures!
  15. vegaschick


    The beetles definitely won. That's the thing with nature, change is inevitable. That is the road I travel and they just finished the road. Crazy, right? I remember them having trouble with that spot about 20+ years ago too. I have lot of family in Cedar but most of it is fairly recent. My...
  16. vegaschick


    Wow! Sounds like everyone had a busy weekend. Ron - Awesome garden haul! Those potatoes look so delish! Tough Mudders & support crews - Great Job! I agree with Sunny! chicharomirinda & aubreynoramarie - Sorry about the crappy situations...sickness and lousy, nosy neighbors! But congrats on...
  17. vegaschick


    Thanks for the kind thoughts! The one I was most worried about said all is well, this time!
  18. vegaschick


    I know, right!?! They had a flood watch in effect for 2 days...nothing on the first and WHAM! on the second. We had talked about it in class so when it got dark and the thunder started we kind of expected it. The crazy thing about rain in Vegas is that it can totally flood in one part of town...
  19. vegaschick


    HAH! Thanks! My classroom door looks out into the courtyard and the students were glued to it...they all suddenly had to go to the restroom so they could get a closer look! It was a great day to teach about the water cycle. To bad the focus was evaporation and not precipitation.
  20. vegaschick


    Welcome to BYC Bcook0315! Glad to see you on here! I totally understand where you're coming from...this thread has a wonderful community of wonderful people. It is what it is... we try to compensate by using a local thread for trading chickens...though I'm not sure that children have been loaned...
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