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  1. usschicago1

    Is this a beautiful fish or what?

    Quote: So whats a wild guppy? Sorry for all the ?'s. That's ok, I don't mind. Wild guppies are just that... "Wild Guppies". Guppies that haven't been bred for certain characteristics and colors. I did a science fair project on this cross my freshman year of high school. Though it wasn't a...
  2. usschicago1

    Is this a beautiful fish or what?

    Quote: The "mosquito fish" is a wild guppy right? Or are they hybrids? I want a pure strain of wild guppies and all the research i did says these are pure wilds Mosquito fish are a completely different species of fish. Not a hybrid. So whats a wild guppy? Sorry for all the ?'s.
  3. usschicago1

    Is this a beautiful fish or what?

    Quote: Mosquito Fish,Gambusia affinis, are the same thing as wild guppies. Diffrent than fancy . I'm aware of the difference between WILD and FANCY! But all you will get are hybrids that will most likely not be able to reproduce. The scientific name for the fancy guppy is Poecilia reticulata...
  4. usschicago1

    Is this a beautiful fish or what?

    Quote: Mosquito Fish,Gambusia affinis, are the same thing as wild guppies. Diffrent than fancy .
  5. usschicago1

    Is this a beautiful fish or what?

    Quote: Thats awsome! I was wondering what the real name would be! I am More exited about the snails than the fish. Thanks -Mark
  6. usschicago1

    Is this a beautiful fish or what?

    Here are my Pure Reds Im Growing Out. Giving so many away, went from 60 to 18 fry. Here are the Wild Guppies You can see there not too healthy, i should fix them up nice. Im going to keep a pure line and a RedXWild Cross And here are the mystery snails, i got 3 adults and 3 babies. Hope the...
  7. usschicago1

    Is this a beautiful fish or what?

    Quote: I agree 100%. You look at the petstore fish long enough they all have white mold on there sides from all the nets going in the same tanksand ick is on almost all of them. Thankfully my pet store is different. I go to Jack's Aquarium and Pets. While I do see a dead fish here and there...
  8. usschicago1

    Is this a beautiful fish or what?

    Quote: I agree 100%. You look at the petstore fish long enough they all have white mold on there sides from all the nets going in the same tanksand ick is on almost all of them.
  9. usschicago1

    Is this a beautiful fish or what?

    Quote: What size tank is that! I want one!
  10. usschicago1

    Is this a beautiful fish or what?

    Quote: Female bettas can get along with femal bettas. Males could go with an african dwarf frog or maybe a snail. (:
  11. usschicago1

    Is this a beautiful fish or what?

    We should start a general fish thread
  12. usschicago1

    Is this a beautiful fish or what?

    did ya buy him off aquabid?
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