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  1. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Well...... it's been a month since Beth Cazier Smith passed. We are finally getting into some sort of routine without her. It's been a little disconcerting. Things that I would normally discuss with her that I can't now. Those things throw me off a bit. We ALWAYS talked about spending plans and...
  2. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Our loving Wife, Mother, Daughter, Aunt, and friend, Elizabeth Ann Cazier Smith passed away peacefully in her home at about 7:30 PM on June 23, 2014 after a nearly 12 year fight against Breast Cancer. We, the family, thank everyone for their support for Beth and our family during this time, and...
  3. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Thanks. Frankly, I don't know how or why she is still with us. I think she's too stubborn..... LOL
  4. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    She has some great pain meds, and didn't know she had them. So far so good.
  5. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    And now she has kennedy ulcers....
  6. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Yes. those are our 4 kids. Daivd is 27, Eric is 26, Heather is 22, and Hannah is 18. thanks for the support.
  7. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Monday afternoon Beth decided that she needed to get out of bed. She wanted to go outside. She INSISTED that she go outside. She has no idea how difficult that is for us, as she can't stand on her own, and can barely sit upright, but we love her and do what we can. Now for a vent...
  8. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    So sorry,. Hang in there. I will be in your shoes shortly....
  9. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Thanks. She's still holding on.
  10. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    No UTI. Ya, mil is being a pain. Probably dehydration and possibley the kidneys are starting to shut down.
  11. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    So I REALLY don't know what to think..... two weeks ago the hospice nurse and nurse practitioner both (based on experience and Beth's current situation) that she would go within 7-10 days. She was doing pretty bad. On the 21st she could only speak about one word per breath, and that was hard to...
  12. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    She is doing OK. We have long talks while out with the chickens, and watching the chicks. I have tough girls. they take after their Mom.
  13. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Beth continues to decline. The hospice team has been very supportive, and they feel it will only be a matter of a few weeks now.
  14. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Its all good. We do our best to take it all in stride. Beth has started to experience some halucinations, or so she calls them. The other day she asked me if there was a car in the family room.....I told her no, and she said that it looked weird for a car to be in the family room, but it looked...
  15. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Beth is now dropping at a steady rate of about 2 pounds each week. I am still stress eating, but have managed to not gain any more..... Her mom had a focal motor seizure on Thursday, we thought is was another stroke so she got an ambulance ride. She is back home on more meds now. As she still...
  16. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Ya. Sometimes all she will eat is Boost. Comversations have become interesting...... She will be talking then pause.....My youngest daughter (18) refers to it as "track skip"
  17. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    My wife is steadily losinf weight. Sorry about your 30 lbs gain, at you have something good to blame it on :lol: I have mastered the art of cooking comfort foods. I make a lovely smooth cream gravy that goes great on almost anything! :lau Beth continues to decline. The latest changes to her...
  18. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    My problem is that with stress, I eat......... I've gained 5 pounds in the last couple of months.......
  19. wsmith about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    We are hatching our own. She is getting excited. We are saving up for the first batch of the season, the trial run.... The family room brooder is done except for some paint on the inside to seal things up. It sits across the room from her recliner so she can watch the chicks.
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