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  1. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    I free range all sixteen of my Silkie flock. Twelve Catdance four month olds and four Sheryl Butler seven month olds. They are very savvy at it since they have been foraging in the garden since they were small. I leave the water pan in the same place so everyone can find it easy. I only trimmed...
  2. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    My children and their children came to visit over the weekend. My Grandsons loved feeding a little scratch to the flock. My Catdance Silkies free range with my layers and heritage Rhode Island Red group. Everybody gets along. The Blue, Buff, and Partridge Catdance kids followed the...
  3. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    His face looks Ollie to me. (Cute name)
  4. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    I spent a half hour looking for that post and gave up. If I miss a couple days checking in here it becomes nearly impossible to keep up with every post. I try to answer questions if it's something I know about. It is good to post the question more than once if it seems it was overlooked in the...
  5. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    I have two that came out of Catdance eggs marked 'BlS'. I assume it stands for Blue Split. The biggest chick might be male and has dark blue under fluff. The smallest is a female and has beautiful blue under fluff with black tips. They are under three months old. Yesterday out in the garden...
  6. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    I think broodies do it much better. I use my incubator during December through Feb. and let the broodies do it Spring and Summer.
  7. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    I hatched twelve Catdance eggs in my Genesis 1588 by not raising the humidity until the first egg pipped. Lockdown didn't start until the first internal pip. They drown in the shell very easily. I ran humidity above 25 and below 45% until that first egg pipped. Then I slowly bumped it to 65%...
  8. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    A beautiful sunny Spring day so I led the white Silkie flock out to the wild garden to forage. They seemed to really enjoy it. I know I did. Pulled up a chair this afternoon with a glass of wine and just sat in the sun and watched them.
  9. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    Oh my goodness! You are so right! This baby has one of the cutest Silkie faces I've seen! Love love love it!
  10. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    Took a picture of one of my favorite Catdance chicks today. A Porcelain that is coming along so pretty. Baby is twenty days old and cold outside so hunkering down but stood very still for a picture.
  11. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    I have used a still air LG for over twenty five years. I can get 100% hatches out of it but it takes some pimping out to get it set up right. And you need good eggs from good breeders. Your incubator hatches will only be as good as the eggs you set in them.
  12. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you. I think I was the last to know about the land slide. I had chicks arrive in the mail and my incubator was hatching out like mad. I never saw or heard the news until late afternoon. I live twelve miles south of the slide. My daughter lives near it but her house is a safe distance...
  13. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    I first bought a bottle of Braggs unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar. When that bottle started to get low, I bought a gallon of plain apple cider vinegar, poured off a half cup and poured in a half cup of the stuff with mother. I put a folded up coffee filter over the top secured with a rubber...
  14. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    Hi! Sorry. I just came in to get caught up here. Out in the sun playing with chickens. X 2 what aoxa says. I don't feed medicated anything. Fermenting feed with added drugs just seems counter productive. I've never tried it.
  15. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    Bubbling is great. That's fermentation in progress. I add if I'm taking out. Probably add every other day if your just using about a cup or so at a feed. It was me that used game bird chow. I had three gallons of it going and I didn't like the smell so I went back to all purpose crumble. I add...
  16. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    Yes. I have a glass bowl on my kitchen counter with fermenting chick starter. I ferment the non-medicated vegetable based bag made by Purina. I feed it when my chicks come out of the incubator until they are two months old. Then I feed them All purpose with lots of additives and goodies to up...
  17. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you! Truly! There are so few Grey silkie images out there. I just love the color. Light or dark. I was really hoping to have my first Grey hatch from my pair this summer but the pullet got sick and I had to end her suffering. It was tough. Let me tell you. I so very much want to get...
  18. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    Their hatch date was December 8, 2012. Thank you! I always thought that chick 'Big Foot' was a roo from day one. He was so full of himself and upright. He is better in type at three months old than my six month old Catdance roo I just purchased. He is a keeper. The little pullet 'Miss Peggy'...
  19. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you poulettes. I am just starting back up with Silkies after a twenty three year absence. I bought my eggs and chicks from three well known and respected breeders in Washington state on reputation alone. Marg Best, Sheryl Butler, and Karen Larson. I have not been disappointed. I keep my...
  20. Mumsy

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you. S Butler lives in Bothell/Woodinville area of Washington State. I've never met her or seen her flocks. I purchased hatching eggs at the WFF Winter Brisk show last fall. I used a liaison I met on BYC and she delivered the eggs to me. Sheryl Butlers reputation for beautiful Whites is...
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