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  1. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    Thank you all for your warm wishes and I will most definitely be stopping in from time to time. As for my screen name, you are only allowed one name change here on byc and I have used mine already so I will remain ArizonaNessa. Thanks for letting me know about Chip/Pack. He is really good at...
  2. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    I want to thank everyone here for all the well wishes and help with the rehoming of my girls. It broke my heart to have to let them go but I know they went to a good home. My coop is due to be picked up later this afternoon. You guys are all so amazing and caring and I will miss each and...
  3. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    Hi again everyone. Our move is not going as fast as we would like but its getting there. My first two choices of homes for my girls fell through and I am awaiting a response from yet another potential home. IF THIS FALLS THROUGH is there anyone out there that would like to give my ladies a...
  4. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    Quote: Mahonri~ I love this so very much and I borrowed it for my facebook for the day. I hope you don't mind. ( I didn't take credit for it )
  5. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    Bob's Henhouse : HELP! They're multiplying! You just had to go and get them wet didn't you?
  6. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    Hi folks Just stopping in because I have run into a problem with my move and I am looking for a little help. I can't take my cockatiel with me. I would really like if one of you guys could take him (for free) and give him a great home. He will come with his large cage, birdy basketball...
  7. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    As some of you know, I am moving out of state. Today while I was going through my things I found a box of stuff from the USDA that I sent off for a few months back. It's all about BIOSECURITY! There are cds and dvds, pamphlets, spiral bound type books, things about transportation of birds...
  8. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    Hey everyone. I just thought I would drop in and say hello and share some pretty cool news with everyone. Yesterday I was having a yard sale and something really weird happened. The fire truck loaded with 6 or so firemen from my local fire house came and parked right in front of the house...
  9. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    You know after reading about the colorado river toad I am really glad they come out when everything is sleeping. They are toxic and can cause serious problems and even death in some animals. He/She was really cool to mess with though
  10. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    Well we stayed up super late last night trying to get the shop building cleaned out and I had a HUGE predator trying to bust into my chicken coop. I just knew that everyone would want to be on the look out for these so I grabbed the camera phone and hurried to get a picture. The girls are all...
  11. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    For anyone that was interested in my brooders, I have reconsidered my prices. They are now 30 dollars each or ALL THREE BROODERS INCLUDING ISO PEN for 100 cash. I also have several five gallon bucket feeders for 10 dollars each and I will make a deal if you take all. The big aviary is still...
  12. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    This is a good thing folks. While I love Arizona I love my family too. This move is the best thing for us. I will still come here to this thread and visit. I know my birds will go to happy homes no matter what and life will move on. I now have pics of the brooders for sale and have changed...
  13. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    Becky ~ I PM'd you back Tofu ~ I am originally from Texas. I was considering taking my girls because frankly they are family BUT my husband has some serious stuff going on with his back and the chickens will be paying for getting that fixed. A very generous gentleman in our church is a...
  14. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    No Mahonri I am not done with chickens. I could never be done with them LOL. I am moving and it can't go with me. Texas is too far to make more than one trip. I am selling my three brooder boxes too. They are kinda nice. They have light sockets with switches and hardware cloth bottoms...
  15. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    Hi everyone. I am sorry for not stopping in more often but I have been terribly busy. I stopped in today to let you guys know that my aviary building is for sale. I am asking 400 dollars cash and you remove it. (HINT: If you bring a sharpie marker and a helper you can just number the...
  16. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    OMG I forgot to share the best news of all. May 14th I QUIT SMOKING! I really did quit. I didn't cheat. I quit cold turkey with no gum, patches, sprays, inhalers, electronic devices....NOTHING! I have been a smoker since I was 14 yrs old and I am 34 now. Only other times I ever quit was...
  17. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    Hi guys! First I want to say welcome to all the new people! Thank you to all that have asked about me. I appreciate that. I didn't fall off the planet. I am still here. I have just been super busy with trying to get everything going in the right direction in my life. THINGS ARE...
  18. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    CH2~ I use a garden sprayer and I mix 50% old fashioned pinesol and 50% straight clorox bleach. I do not dilute it at all. Let it dry completely then cover with DE then fresh bedding and add birds. Happy birdies!! Thank you for asking about the smoking. If anyone else has asked recently I...
  19. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    I am back from my retreat. I missed you all and it will take me a while to get caught up. I just wanted to share some really exciting news with all of you since you are the closest to me on all of byc. Check it out
  20. ArizonaNessa

    Arizona Chickens

    Okay this has nothing to do with chickens and everything to do with a very frustrated housewife. Trust me if you need a laugh you have found the right place. Check it out
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