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  1. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    It's been a very long time since I have been on this site. Happy to see the community is still robust. We had a Coyote (assumed) get all but one hen two nights ago when the coop was forgotten open. Does anyone have hens or pullets for sale? Thanks, Joel
  2. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Hey guys. I feel like adding to the flock and am wondering if any one has Welsummer chicks right now. I think we also want to add a roo to the mix so we can hatch eggs to grow the flock.
  3. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Hey guys, it's been a while. I'm wondering if anyone would like my dead mini fridge to make an incubator out of? It's not a wine fridge with a window but I'm sure one could be added if you wanted to.
  4. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

  5. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Quitting my job and selling the kids so I can keep up with this thread. The double decker brooder looks good although, I think little boys and dogs smell up the house enough so I like to keep the foul outside. My chicks are doing good except one Golden Lakenvelder that got smooshed on the...
  6. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Southerndesert, good eye or just that like attracts like. I have an 81 that I maintain and ride (mostly maintain lately) shovels always grab my attention. Laree, good to see you and great advise on that waffle tidying. Whitsay, we live in a county island and found that a call to the county...
  7. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    OT but... Southerndesert do I spy a Shovelhead in your avatar? Every good chicken ranch should have a Shovelhead, and lots of Slayer and Agnostic Front I find the chickens grow up tougher and can take care of them selves when the get a good dose of old iron, Heavy metal and NY
  8. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Hey guys! I haven't been around much because I changed jobs and move and moved the kids schools and just tried to upend life as much as I could in a 12 month period. You might have caught my post back in Movember about something killing all of the chickens. Well replacement chooks have...
  9. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    I think the neighbor dog just killed all my chooks except the one crazy bugger that always escapes the coop. Does anyone have surplus hens? Also I haven't been around lately how's everyone doing?
  10. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    If you're not picky I have an EE roo over RIR, DEL, BR, EE and BO you'd be welcome to some of my mutt eggs. You could have the roo too if you like ;D.
  11. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Hey guys. Glad to see everyone doing well. My family finally found a new house on an acre of county in Mesa. Now the fun starts and the highlight may be moving the chooks and the coop. In a related note I'm feeling like I have too many chickens and am wondering if anyone has a plucker that...
  12. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    So My last post was in September and I've only checked in a couple times, this post moves too fast to even try to keep up. It's cool to see so many new faces, welcome. It's also cool to see the regulars but it looks like a couple peeps are missing (laree and sockpuppet come to mind right...
  13. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Congrats on the upcoming kiddo! I have a new computer now to replace the one the kids broke butt I have not been on here much, life is just busy with a bunch of crap no one wants to hear about. I do have a chicken issue to figure out, it seems I have an OCD pullet. This one darn pullet keeps...
  14. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Arg! Now I am suffering from the dreaded "no update notice glitch". I'm on my wife's puter until mine comes back from repair or gets replaced so hopefully it is because of the way her cookie handling is set up or something. The coop needs a good cleaning and I am soooo looking forward to...
  15. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Quote: Irrigation and neighborhood cooperation can be tough. This was more than neighborhood non-cooperation. We've lived here for 11.5 years without this kind of problem. I reset the gates correctly 3 times and someone changes them back, almost as soon as I set them correctly. I am...
  16. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    I had a egg minus shell in the nest box and a crushed up shell in the coop, does that sound like an egg eater or a thin shelled egg that got crushed and stuck to someone? Oh and I had two drops of rain hit me when I closed the coop up last night.
  17. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Quote: I did my yard today too. I switched to a gas weed eater, you are welcome to my old electric one. So my two year old prefers my computer look like this I have it hooked up to the TV right now, this is the only thing I have ever bought the insurance on I guess that was a good thing...
  18. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Sock- I just keep throwing her out of the nest box and she'll stay out for a while. I guess I should try a wire cage, only problem is they don't get free run of the yard all day because of the dogs and if she is loose in the run she has access to the nest box so she might just have to stay in...
  19. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Quote: Or that fine beverage that won at the Chicago Worlds Fair. Hint it has three initials that are PBR! Quote: We saw it in 3d in the theater and although the plot was familiar, the world and the visuals were unlike anything we had seen before. Quote: I think my BO that I got from...
  20. joel david

    Arizona Chickens

    Quote: Bwwwwhhhhaaaaaaa! That's funny right there . It took more,much, many beers to get through it and coffee.
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