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  1. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I was just gonna ask you if yours started yet! Hopefully mine start soon! Will you be hatching any eggs you get?
  2. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Thank you! Yes I love my Whites too. I just wish they were as big as the pearls. They are a little smaller. The buffs and lavenders are beautiful!!
  3. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Just sime pics of my tiny terrors. Although they have been great lately. I just think a turkey hen laying on her back was to good of an oportunity.
  4. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Memphis... Memphis Memphis Memphis... They only time a Guinea gets that close is when he is about to strike... I have experience with this. Except my Guinea was rabid (not actually). They are not to be trusted even if they are pets. Ralphie I might recommend a handgun to you. They have quickly...
  5. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Biophilia I agree with everything Ralphie says! If guineas can do something dumb they will. Like try and kill my turkeys or roosters.
  6. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    It is good stock! She has white in her primary feathers but you cant see it in this pic. I really like the whites but not as much as the pied...
  7. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    One of my "pied" Guineas. She is the loudest of them all! But we love their racket!
  8. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Two these are the ones I was talking about. They are spoiled rotten and think they're chickens! I have a screwed up Cochin rooster who lives in our hay shed and I might see if they will stay with him. That rooster loves watching over babies!
  9. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    My little brats are getting big! The hayfields are FULL of grasshoppers and black crickets right now! I wish they would go out lol!
  10. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    They are probably 8-10 weeks old by now. I had a broody hatch them all out for me so they were born and raised here. I don't blame them for wanting to leave the run. Except for when they start getting aggressive I am booting their little butts out of there!
  11. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    This is good to know! We really hope they sleep in the rafters of the hay shed but idk if they will figure it out! I suppose since we want them in a building they will avoid that one and go sleep in a tree instead!
  12. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    So I have a question... How do I get my Guineas to free range... I think I broke mine... They refuse to leave the run! I was hoping they would fly out eventually but nope! They fly everywhere But out of the run! When they get out they pace the fence till I chase them back in! At night they roost...
  13. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    My guineas are becoming spoiled brats... They are such trouble causing little buggers! They enjoy scaring me half to death! Today the were half way up the giant pine by the chicken coop! And those are giant trees! I cant wait till I can let them out....
  14. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I bought these as an assorment and i just thought they were white. I'll get pics later
  15. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Nope these didnt come from you!
  16. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    They are actual feathers on the lower neck.
  17. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Thanks for the kind welcome everyone!! I am really loving these little bird and hope they dont become crazy little bats!! And here is a question... My white Guineas are growing brown feathers on their neck. They r still considered whites right? Just have poor breeding?
  18. holm25

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Hello everyone! Figured I would join the Guinea thread so I can learn more about them! I only have 9 Guinea keets right now but hope to get more! I have 2 whites and 7 pearl/pied! The whites are the oldest and one has decided to scream "buckwheat"! The other hasnt yet so I assume it a male. Or...
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