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  1. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    People capon roosters cause they won't become aggressive when the sex hormones kick in, also makes old roo meat taste good. When you have a old non - capon roo they taste strong when there old. It's the same concept as castrating pigs pretty much.
  2. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    Are you're now the lawyer? I want him to testified in his 1st Amendment rights laws.. As I have my own 1st Amendments. Edit - Not going to apologize to people who are ripping people off
  3. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    I didn't try to "run him away" as I don't even know him.. I was just stating true facts about international shipping to America cause I know how the pricing goes, perhaps books are different then shipping olive oil? Maybe he could of explained the high fees to us all more clear, but instead...
  4. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    So all together 1 issue is $25 with shipping? If it's $215 then that's a crap price cause my aunt sends alot of large kilos of olive oil from Greece to America and it's only $120 fee on the cargo ship it's about 300+ pounds.. A book is like 2 pounds if that?
  5. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    40 °C is very warm. Is Australia heat dry or humid? Or it depends where you live just like the U.S.? Can you say hello to my friends in Melbourne for me?
  6. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    All Hatcheries. Oh wait....
  7. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    Going to the Northeast Poultry Congress in January 18th for the 2nd time.. This is the Champions League of chickens with the same attitude of the Europe Champions League soccer/football Round of 16. Only the best will win.. I have a friend who knows Dan Castle and hoping Dan Castle will sell...
  8. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    Lol, I love the 90s music.. But there were a few people requesting BA eggs from me but I can't send them small size eggs, that's embarrassing to me.. Greek people get embarrassed easily and want to send the best.
  9. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    My Australorps just turned 8 months old and they lay small eggs...Even though they are huge birds with big butts they still lay small eggs.
  10. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    What?!? Naked Necks are Naked Necks and RIR are RIR..
  11. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    Took some new pics today.. Camera is crap quality..
  12. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    Perhaps we wont have the same thing in common but I share this Greek song to you in peace
  13. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    You kidding me? I said if you have solid red color Naked Necks you said "depends" you don't breed for certain color naked necks.. So you wasted my time pretty much.
  14. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    Your flock looks like hatcheries birds now even since "60 years ago"...
  15. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    Here in the U.S the bigger the better. I noticed judges are strict on bantams weight, but on large fowl they let it slide and prefer bigger birds.
  16. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    Hey guys my Australorps are a bit over 6 months and the 2 roosters I kept so far one is fighting the other from time to time and I need to decide who to keep. Was hoping I can use both but that's not gonna happen.. Anyways I'll post pics as soon as I can for a more visual look but here's a...
  17. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    Getting a DQ
  18. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    So a cushion means your done?
  19. Vamvakas

    Australorps breed Thread

    You guys think this young roo is a good breeding roo? I have 3 of them but this one is my favorite look wise. Sorry my camera is horrible.. Here's one of 6 of my young girls..
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