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  1. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    Hmm crossing BJerseyGiants with BA does have some risks - I mean a 12 pound bird with skinny little legs would not be a happy bird for very long. Most of the other combinations seem like they would be good even fewer eggs is not a deal breaker for most people so really the only attribute to...
  2. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    Well I have tasted them (BJG) and after over a year they get a lot of dark meat with a real "steak-like" flavor and texture. If you aren't locked in to the expectation that it is going to taste like store white meat chicken it's actually quite good and makes a wonderful soup. Eggs have always...
  3. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    So what would you estimate is the downside of simply throwing all the BA Australorps and BJG Jersey Giants into one pen and letting them cross breed? Aside from the obvious loss of purity it should help the BJG egg production and help the overall size and beast leg strength of the Australorps...
  4. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    I've not found a good way to keep their oyster shell from being wasted or ignored, but have a way to keep them limited in interest which is by saving and grinding and adding their own egg shells back to their feed.
  5. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    my BA's lay Large Brown eggs so yes it seems very possible - they'll grow lighter brown and a tad larger as their laying year drags on.
  6. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    Actually the better free rangers are the red breeds they appear to be very good at surviving free range predators - very wary unlike say buff orpingtons. The downside is that the wary free range types tend to not be very broody so you can't really have both but technically all chickens will go...
  7. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    They are good protective mothers. Not nearly as broody as my orpingtons but when I got my three baby Langshans, it was one of the Australorps that took them under wing and was in charge of protecting the new babies from the other hens pecks. They don't lay well in winter. Pretty smart birds...
  8. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    I do like that they are not broody generally but it may be possible they are feeling "outcompeted" for the bugs because the red stars can forage for bugs like crazy - they are fast and scratch like mad. I worry about the red chickens because they like the forest a lot. Too much even. The...
  9. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    These are wonderful birds but seem a bit lazy as far as free ranging. They are the first ones of my five breeds (Red Star, Orpington, Jersey Giant, Langshans, Black Australorps) that seem to go cannibal on some of the eggs if I cut out feed layer pellets for a couple of days and rely on free...
  10. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    I use standard crumbles - 18% or whatever but expecting this (or any bag of feed) to provide everything a baby bird needs is not wise in my humble opinion. I always give my babies scrambled or hard boiled eggs once per day. One egg per 8 or so baby chicks as a supplement to ensure they are...
  11. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    I think they inherit this trait from their Orpington ancestry. My Buff Orps are also extremely soft most of them. Very fluffy birds as well as my BA's.
  12. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    Awesome looking bird! I'm thinking you need to wait a couple or three weeks for the feathers to really all start to grow in, to really know what the feathers colors will all be.
  13. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    They also do this castration with goats and describe it as turning a Buck into a Wether. They don't stink as much, they grow fatter and the meat is tastier. So if your doe gives birth to bucklings and you don't plan to sell them early or use them as sires it makes perfect sense to Wether them.
  14. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    While we are on the subject of pests like worms and mites I made an interesting observation the last couple of days. Chickens may have something going on because they discovered the sand around my septic system and dug in and had a nice sand bath for themselves. Guessing by their happy...
  15. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    Delaware is white seems likely a possible Delware x BA
  16. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    So no combs or waddles at all? Is that odd? Both of mine have small but very prominent combs and waddles
  17. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    The employee at the TSC I was at at least admitted he had no true idea and was just guessing based on appearance and what the signs said same as anyone else
  18. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    Temperature tolerance is based on a few things - larger birds and those with feathered legs and lots of feathers, dark colors to absorb sunlight better and smaller combs will do best in cold. Heat tolerance should help to have smaller birds with larger combs and waddles and white/light colored...
  19. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    Yeah I like your bird the other looks more like Jersey Giant SOP than Australorp. My Australorps finally started laying - eggs are a tad smaller than the Golden Comet Red Sex Link chicken but the yolks are amazing and the scrambleds are like neon yellow - Love em!
  20. informative

    Australorps breed Thread

    it is very frustrating - I like my BA's they are easy going healthy birds but I am still getting a brown egg every day from the Red Star and nothing from the two BA's - starting to think one of the BA's may be a roo or something and the other is just lazy.
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