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  1. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    OMG, I'm in love with the ducks!
  2. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I'm getting in line for eggs.
  3. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I am not, am not, am not going to that show. I would get myself into so much trouble!!! The light colored guinea and the turkeys that I have are spoken for. I still have the other 3 guineas and the red sex link pullets. I might have a few more birds as I'm rearranging. I know I...
  4. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    The eggs I got were either lilac or lavendar, I can't remember which and it is the only one I have left out of that batch. I want $10 for it. The other 3, I want $6 each. Hi Chicky Tocks!
  5. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Hey everyone! I haven't been around for awhile, been trying to take care of my predator owl problem, kids started school, and I started school, so it has been hectic! I'm still trying to downsize my birds. I have 4 guineas, 3 bronze turkeys, 1 Birchen Maran Cockerel(been told it is a silver...
  6. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I have a huge owl(I thought it was a hawk, but hubby and son say it is an owl) that is wreaking havoc on 2 of my uncovered pens, lost 4 chickens during the night and just can't handle the stress from it any longer. I actually saw it fly off with one of its kills at 2:30am. I need to downsize...
  7. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

  8. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Errrrm, actually 3 EE's, Blue OEGB, and my little quail babies. Keep your distance girl!
  9. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    UH OH, better keep away from Rbam for awhile, she may be contagious!
  10. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Quote: Try giving her some Apple Cider vinegar in her water too. I've done it to help clear mucus in the airway. It worked after only a few times. Mine had Pox last year. I had one bird that had a hard time, but most everyone sailed through easily. The ACV helped a lot. I will tell them...
  11. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    It is a respiratory problem. The little girl is coughing and has stringy mucous in her little beak. The neighbor is going to keep her separated and treat the whole flock with terramycin.
  12. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Quote: Thanks Scot, that is about all I have found too. It could be a heart problem. If it is respiratory, they may need to treat the flock with something.
  13. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Hey guys, got a bit of a problem next door. My neighbor has a year and a half old hen whose comb has turned purple/black and her legs too. She is also very lethargic. They thought she is a white leghorn, but she lays brown eggs. The rest of the flock looks fine. She has been separated...
  14. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Rooster Cogburn Jr. : Hello all from Camden. I couldn't read all 143 pages. I'm new to Chickens and the BYC. I'm raising some to sell and some to keep. I have about 7 different breeds. I'm going to keep mostly the NHR's because they matured so fast and I plan on hatching my own chicks and have...
  15. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    We got slammed with straight line winds yesterday afternoon. There is over 200 feet of power lines laying across my yard as well as huge limbs from a sycamore tree and a black walnut tree. It tore out my chain link fence and I thought killed a bunch of roosters, but they came out from under...
  16. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Rbam - Looks like a 6 out of 9 hatch on the Blue OEGB. 1 quit around 16 days, 1 hatched and died, and there is 1 left in the bator that had veining yesterday and decent air cell, but today I can't see much of anything. Here are pics: 3 dark, 2 kind of split color a little dark and a lot of...
  17. roche477

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I've got 5 little Blue OEGB now. 3 light and 2 dark. Is color indicative at all of sex on this breed? Here is one peeking out of its shell.
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