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  1. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I'm so glad you guys didn't get blown away. We didn't have it too bad. There was a good deal of rain and a nice light show, but nothing outstanding. Jim, so glad to see you got in strong healthy replacements! How cute! Hope to see all of you at the meetup Saturday.
  2. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Tala, congrats on Hawk, he's beautiful! They are such good dogs. Urban, congrats on your egg! You made me smile because you remind me of my 11 year old when we got our first egg. I guess she was 10 at the time, and she ran to the house to show me and got so dizzy she thought she might pass...
  3. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Oh, poor HVAC guy! Glad you have heat now though. It would have been a tough night without it.
  4. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr It's 13 here at 9 a.m. Too cold for me! I had to go down to the pens this morning with hot water to defrost the waterers, reached down to move a metal feeder by the handle and it stuck to my hand (no gloves)! It sure did sting. I didn't even think...
  5. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Rooster Cogburn Jr. : I'm having to sell all of my birds. I live in Camden. I have a vareity of birds. Mostly NHR. Will sell pairs and trios if available. Msg me or e-mail me if you're interested. I also have over 400 egg cartons. How much for the egg cartons? I'm close to Sparkman. Sorry...
  6. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Urban, I wouldn't worry too much. I'd bet they'll start up again in the Spring, even if a few less. Mine are doing the same thing, just went through a molt, and most are about a year and a half. Out of this group of layers, I get about 2 to 4 eggs a week, when I used to get almost 3 dozen...
  7. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Quote: Boy you've got that right, and this is on my mind all the time now. I've gotten really worried about selling my chickens to people who might not take good care of them. I wish there was some way to know for sure they're going to a good home. I sold some Silkies to a family with...
  8. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Quote: Oh, I know to be careful with the buck, that's why the door stayed between us, lol! He sure was beautiful. Too bad one of his does was killed, but I saw 3 in the yard last night, so he must have a harem! About the Cuckoo Marans and the Barred Rocks. The Cuckoos should have pink or...
  9. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Angel, so sorry you lost some of your babies. There is so much good advise here. Aren't you glad you found this forum? I would really consider the 12 on/12 off thing too. I've never had this type of bird, and it sounds odd to go that long without feeding, but it's proven to work best...
  10. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    They'll probably lay for you as she said after the molt. It seems to take forever though, I know! I would say if they've been taken care of, and you give them a good diet they should lay for several years. You're rocks are the same way. If you take care of them, good diet and all, they...
  11. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Doesn't game bird feed have meds in it? I was thinking that I could feed my meat birds some of that til my feed guy told me that all his has meds in it. I'm the kind that has to be paticular about what I feed if i am going to be on the receiving end of the eatin...I'm VERY sensitive to just...
  12. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I guess it depends on how many chickens you have too. A few of mine are still molting, but most have finished. The few that are still molting have most of the new feathers in, they're just still very short stubs. The ones that are done look so nice and shiny. I was glad they got rid of all...
  13. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Hi Angel1, I don't think I've introduced myself yet. Not sure though, the last few days have been hectic. I really enjoyed the meetup you guys! Wish everyone could have been there. My 17 year old has Swine Flu. She started showing symptoms Sunday night, had her worse day yesterday...
  14. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Julie, hope all is ok with you. I had to pull over at a friend's house on the way home (farm) last night it was getting so bad. This was in Dallas country. When I finally got home the chicken coop dirt and pine shavings floor was like a wet sponge! Several chickens were unable to get to a...
  15. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Everyone is telling me not to use regular chicken wire and to use hardware cloth instead. Sound ok except I have about 50 square feet to cover and the wire runs at 50$ for 25 feet. Thats alot of money. Quite frankly, Im broke. Dose anyone have any suggestions weather it is ok to use chicken...
  16. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Very Cherry, thanks! they are plastic bags though, like Pedigree etc... the paper feed bags I use as weed killer and layer over with mulch for various spots. Good idea! I've used newspapers for that. We have LOTS since I help my Dad with the paper route. I think I could probably build a...
  17. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Nice little coop Lisa. I've also used the heavy paper feed bags as extra insulation in places. They work well to stop drafts. For anyone who hasn't seen this, it's VERY interesting, and this is where I learned that ariel preditor call, lol...
  18. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Oh! Duh, I just noticed you said "...and soon Red Wattle Hogs." Sorry, lol!
  19. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Hi Laura! Are you the one on the LR Backyard Poultry Meetup site that has the Red Wattle Hogs?
  20. verycherry

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Urban dreamer, funny video. I admit I had to laugh. I wish I had one of me the day I let out a perfect preditor warning call, like a long screech. All the chickens were out in the yard and everyone disappeared in a matter of seconds, in the bushes, the garden, the coop, they all just...
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