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  1. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Hey someone beat me to the punch! I am planning to work on this (Blue Cucko) project from a few dark egg laying hens and a Cuckoo Cockerel. Would of like to see them under batural sunlight...
  2. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Vicky~ That is a bit odd that they tun differently when there is less weight on the rack? its been a while.......Did you ever get the clear viewing door installed? Post a picture if you havent already... Cheers,
  3. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Its an interesting theory! I would be interested in hearing if some of the more experience folks have hear of this preactice before?????
  4. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Update on the Wine-bator test run: Apparently, I was lucky enough to be sent an IncuKit with a faulty thermostat. Yeah,...not really! So after, the empty test runs, thinking I had the kinks worked out, I filled one of the rack with eggs (Marans, Cochin, EE’s) and I struggled to get the temp...
  5. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: Awesome picture Vicky! That is one BIG @$$ ROOSTER you got on your hands:thumbsup
  6. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: Got to love those mean roo' a pot that is! A few years back I had a huge GL polish (WoodY) that was given to us as a chick. He turned out to be a real pit bull. He would boss everyone in the yard except Diamond (Diamond was a 13lb Lt. Brahma) who he grow up with. I never saw...
  7. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: Jazmine~ its hard to tell at such a young age...besides all baby chicks are keepers. But seriously speaking, it depends on what you have to work with and what your goals are with your birds? Did you mention if they were BCM's or ? I might have missed that? If you only have 12 chicks...
  8. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: I have hatched a few Salmon Marans and they have the chipmunk pattern I have some too dark Wheatens and they hatched with a stripe down the back (faint faint) and look like Black Tailed Buff if you go to the Australian Marans web site they have chick pictures go take a look see what you...
  9. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: You know me so well! Hey Vicki...were you able to get that article sent off to Math Ace? Sure did...I forwarded it to her not long after she asked for it. She said she'd read it today. I still need to go back and do a complete read through. Hopefully with the decent night of...
  10. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: WELCOME ABOARD the Marans express thread! ! !
  11. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: Same to you! Had a question for you inregards to your wine-bator- where did you put vent holes and how big? We currently have 2 chicks out with 4 more working on getting out. No Marans eggs this round- none of the girls are old enough yet! H&R~ I put 4 holes that were drilled in...
  12. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Happy New Year guys and gals!
  13. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Gila~ that is a good looking BCM Roo. That going to be a focus of mine this season is getting my BCM/BLCM birds bigger( taller and wider). I would say my BCM roo is average. MY BLCM roo is taller but more lean. Probably, because he isn't the dominant Roo in the group. My favorite part of the...
  14. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: Here is an idea/ concept that I have been thinking of using on the next brooder set up I build. It will be on a smaller scale but I like the concept of warming just an isolated area for the chicks and its energy effeciency. Give it a gander.... (scroll down past the Coop section)...
  15. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: I am so jealous of your winobator. Good luck on your hatch. I bet you are really excited! I placed some ads last year looking for a used nonworkinf wine cooler on CL that I could turn into an incubator. I had NO replies except for people trying to sell me working ones for more than I...
  16. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Thanks everyone for keeping your fingers crossed for us. Viviana(daughter) just put in the last set of EE eggs this moring. So we are good to go till the 8th for our first candling.
  17. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that my first set of eggs when into the VINO-BATOR tonight! It took me a while because I was playing with the temp, humdity, vents, etc under different scenarios and logging it down. My wife kind thinks i am....shall we say, "UP tight" about certain...
  18. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I think they are nice healthy looking birds. I am not a Marans SOP expert. But i like to give my opinion :-) Sinced you asked, here we Goooo.... What I like: (F=Frazier, N=Niles) F looks bigger. Is that correct? F better comb. N like feather color, tail length and angle N like feet color and...
  19. SD_Paulo

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: NICE!!!!! X2 on the Wine Bator! You guys wasted no time putting eggs darn. Are the lights LED?
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