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  1. latebloomer


    how about adding electrolytes to their water?
  2. latebloomer


    so sorry about your losses can you put bowls in the freezer with water at night and then put the big chunks in the coop during the day? might be able to keep the heat down a little.
  3. latebloomer


    strangest request ever: would anyone be willing to take my rooster for two overnights? i'm going to a reunion thing for two nights and if i could place my rooster temporarily i'd have all my animals taken care of by my mother who is scared of my rooster Ray. on Friday afternoon I'll head...
  4. latebloomer


    beautiful eggs Nomira. one of my hen's, Moneypenny, a blue Orpington is broody, I keep taking out the eggs though, and she's not having much luck getting the two golf balls and one ping pong ball to hatch.
  5. latebloomer


    has anyone used chicken saddles and if so, do you recommend them?
  6. latebloomer


    Quote: that's probably frostbite, you should search on the forum for how to treat it i put bag balm on my rooster's comb to try to keep from getting frostbite on the coldest of nights. supposed to be some very cold temps middle of next week, sorry, it's not spring yet
  7. latebloomer


    how did everyone do last night in the cold i hadn't planned to have any heat in my coop but used a 250 watt red heat lamp last night after shutting over some of the ventilation. it's still on this morning, Ray, Violet, Moneypenny, Jinx, Flowers, Mayday, Masie, and second Flowers seem fine...
  8. latebloomer


    Quote: i had been doing green mountain but switched over to poulin layer pellets because of a job connection (long story) i did like the larger pellet size that green mountain had but i'm gong to get over that. in addition i do poulin scratch and lots of fruit. they seem happy.
  9. latebloomer


    put vaseline on my birds combs and wattles last night, wish i had pictures of some of their faces here's a recent picture of ray my rooster, he thinks he's a dog (combination lapdog or rottweiler, depending on his mood)
  10. latebloomer


    i put my rooster out into the snow and he carried on until i picked him up and put him back inside i have one hen that just wants to stay in the nesting box night and day, anyone else have that, and what, if anything, should i do? happy first snow storm
  11. latebloomer


    Quote: extra calcium may damage the kidneys of a rooster
  12. latebloomer


    i came home to my first egg yesterday. a long pointy oval, cream-colored-and real small. i love it i have all the chickens, seven hens and a rooster on a grower finisher that comes only in small pellets/crumbles i'd like to switch up to the layer that comes in larger pellets but don't want to...
  13. latebloomer


    Quote: Mine aren't over 14 weeks but I do have a lot of roos lol wait a couple weeks and they will be....
  14. latebloomer


    how many of you are heating your coops? how many of you have insulated coops? this is going to be my first winter, and right now i have an uninsulated structure. i'm planning to insulate the ceiling between the rafters with rigid foam, friction fit with spray foam around the edges of the...
  15. latebloomer


    Quote: welcome from montpelier, now that you have over ten posts you should able to upload images
  16. latebloomer


    we did okay here went down to bellows falls for work yesterday and plenty of places were looking at a long road to clean-up and recover
  17. latebloomer


    over here in washington county i'm worried about the wind pulling a tree down onto the coop supposed to have my house reappraised for refi on monday hope nothing falls on the house either i wish you all the very best, and hope the storm passes us by
  18. latebloomer


    i've found a home for all of them! phew. i was beside myself with sadness.
  19. latebloomer


    anyone want some free roosters? there is Ray, a self-blue Orpington rooster, who loves to be held and pet. He's gorgeous, but just found his voice. I also have one other splash rooster, not much to look at compared to Ray, and two dark blues, one may be a pullet. They're about 15 weeks old...
  20. latebloomer


    Quote: Mine go nuts for watermelon! Whoever gets the juiciest piece runs around with it in their mouth with all the others chasing, one of the funniest things I've ever seen. chicks rule!
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