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  1. Sweetjelly

    Found chick in with ID

    Thanks again, I've found a few local people on Craig's list that have quail for sale. No white ones though. I wonder if white is just an occasional anomaly or is it a special breed? I would just like the birds to get along and be about the same size.
  2. Sweetjelly

    Found chick in with ID

    Well, my white quail Little Donna is doing very well. However her buddies the Rhode Island Reds..Dee and Diana (all named after sisters) are growing quite big and will soon be put in the regular coop... I am looking for a friend for little Donna....I was going to wait to see for sure if she...
  3. Sweetjelly

    Found chick in with ID

    Thank you Loddie Da for the information. Is there any way to tell what sex s/he is? Right now she has a couple of brown or black dots on her head. Otherwise...all white. I would like to get a friend...but not have babies. This sounds crazy but would a quail get a long with two parakeets? I...
  4. Sweetjelly

    Found chick in with ID

    The Quails Have It! You guys are absolutely right...see the newest pics of my mystery chick. She's getting along just great with her big sisters.
  5. Sweetjelly

    Found chick in with ID

    Yes, I think she must be a quail. She seems quite happy now with her two companion Rhode Island Red chicks. Do you think she'll be able to live with the girls when they are big and she is still rather small? Do you think I can let her go in the wild without getting easily killed? I'm not...
  6. Sweetjelly

    Found chick in with ID

    Thank you all so much for the help!
  7. Sweetjelly

    Found chick in with ID

    Here are more pics of the mysterious chick. I can't get a good pic because I only have a phone camera and the little ones don't sit still. In this third picture the chick is sitting on the stuffed Santa toy to the right She was more yellow than white 2 days ago and now is almost all...
  8. Sweetjelly

    Found chick in with ID

    Thanks to you all for the suggestions. My husband picked up two 1-2 week old Rhode Island Red chicks today to keep the little one company. They are at least twice as big as she is! My husband says he doesn't think we have a domestic little one. I have to agree now because she does NOT peep...
  9. Sweetjelly

    Found chick in with ID

    Yesterday my neighbor brought me a tiny chick he found in the road. Attached is her photo. She is about 4 inches long and 3 inches high...just TINY! She looks like she is losing her yellow fluffy down and getting white feathers. She can fly up 2 to 3 feet (and hits her head on the top of the...
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