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  1. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    GREAT JOB!! & nice chick pic. too :)
  2. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Having had both the pigs take a lot more in terms of space, & fencing. If you have never had any livestock larger than chickens then move up to Turkey first is your safe bet. That said we are expecting pigglets in Feb from our gilt (first litter female pig). Feb is a horrible time for pigglets...
  3. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I might try that next time just for the heck of it, I almost always get fewer pullets so I'm up for any old farm's wives tails as to how to fix that. Awwww, you got double cuteness.
  4. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    How many layers do you have? I gotta get myself a real egg collection basket like you have, I mean after about 12yrs of poultry keeping its likely I'd actually USE it ah, daily so maybe I should treat myself, you think?!! Meanwhile, hatched today, hopefully all pullets (BYM from 3 flocks)
  5. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    She looks a lot like my first EE, who was a terrific layer, literally 7 eggs/wk for 6months, 3yrs in a row. Never could get a single live chick from her w/ 3 different Roos so I gave up & just enjoyed eating the daily eggs , mint green & the 1st time I'd ever seen or heard of colored eggs! I...
  6. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    That is wonderful. Amy who a portion of these chicks are going to is a big reader, so I'll tell her about the naming tradition for any of the green egg chicks she gets, I'm sure she will continue that.
  7. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I'm pretty sure there are some of hers in each batch (the due dec 24 & the NYD HAL ) I'm due to candle tonight (day 14 & 7) so I'll pay attention , so fun to have stories & info on particular birds/eggs, if I end up w/ pullets from her eggs I can name them something to remind me they go all the...
  8. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Are any of the eggs in the bator from that pullet??
  9. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    sent you a PM RedRidge & Anyone want to play hatching-egg-stork? I have an offer of a doz. in the Smyrna area, which would need stork service (transport) somewhere closer to me or where someone could meet them to pick up (Mcminneville, Crossville, Chattanooga somewhere around those)...Dec 1-...
  10. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hi ya'll , I know I haven't been around in months, I'm skipping a couple hundred posts I'm behind. Hope everyone has done ok during all this cold!! (We had 3 inches of snow Nov 1st so I feel like its mid-winter here for a month already). Welcome new ppl Question -- I'm of course thinking...
  11. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I agree most likely cockerel, BUT last fall I had one EE who I & 3 other ppl all could not figure out, we kept thinking cockerel until I actually saw her lay an egg! This EE bird even had the other birds confused, my BBR Rooster kept trying to fight it (not mate, fight) so I had to put her...
  12. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Welcome to all the new ppl - there sure are a lot of us chicken folks around here :) My "crazy broody pullet " from this spring has done it again. She has a huge pile of everyone's eggs (I gave up fighting her as I was just too busy for a few wks) & yesterday I saw 2 dry fluffy chicks under...
  13. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I've got 2 broodies , one is on her second round for 2014. The other I moved about 10 days ago onto eggs from the bator, she has a clutch of 6 chicks she is now raising, to include 2 that I moved under her when I saw her first hatchling peeking out under a wing. She did pretty well all things...
  14. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    That is great ! Funny thing is I just did the opposite; I that 2 just hatched , a piped egg & an internal piped egg which I just put under my sitting broody b/c 1 of the eggs she is refusing to leave has hatched but I'm not too sure the rest were good when I stuck her on them. (Most were in the...
  15. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Left to their own choice all but this last broody of mine have sat 9 eggs (she kept taking eggs & the day I moved her onto 9 almost done eggs she had a pile of 15 under her all hot). So I'd try 9 if she is about average size and you put avg sized eggs under her. Best of luck! I have...
  16. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Got to take a moment to brag on my sfh "Flo" , she has a very noisy egg song but I believe she is entitled to it-- for comparison here are also 3 of my "mutt EE" eggs, 1st on left is from the crazy broody pullet who started laying while still w/ chicks this week, the next 2 are slightly...
  17. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    The crazy broody pullet w/ 5 she hatched & 2 I snuck in a couple days later from the ones she started that finished in the bator & a few of the others that hatched in the past 2 days, also from eggs she started -- @ LotsACluckin Great looking new coop building! What lucky chicken breeds...
  18. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Just a caution -- I moved 3 out yesterday & lost 2/3 to cold (caught the 3rd just in time, appears to be saved) last night after a sweltering mid-80s day. I didn't think it would be too cold!!! I do live at a high elevation in Eastern Middle TN so folks not on a mtn are likely fine, but I was...
  19. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Sorry to hear that, esp. being your son's dog; that is a hard thing. I hope everyone else did ok yesterday -- they are predicting more today also so stay safe everyone !
  20. FeyRaine

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I moved the girls last week, so the eggs won't be 100% certain pure for another 2 wks, but then yes I will have them. I'm about 30 miles from Sparta. PM me if you are interested :)
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