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  1. Peas-n-Carrots

    what did i get?

    Thanks to everyone for the info - I guess for the time being I'm gonna just say they're some kind of "red". I may wait a week or two until they feather out some more & update my pics and see if it becomes more telling. Still kinda curious about the little light colored one - it seems to be more...
  2. Peas-n-Carrots

    what did i get?

    what about the light colored one in the 4th picture. Do you think it's the same breed or maybe just younger? Husband is concerned that i may've picked out a breed that doesnt lay well & isn't dual breed - that's why we wanted to BO's so much. We were hoping that if one of the three was a roo we...
  3. Peas-n-Carrots

    what did i get?

    the one closest to the front in the 2nd pic looks like he/she has lost something:lol:
  4. Peas-n-Carrots

    what did i get?

    sorry - I went back & added pics (forgot 'em the first time:rolleyes:)
  5. Peas-n-Carrots

    what did i get?

    Got these cuties 1 week ago (3/4/11) from local feed store & I guess they should've only been few days old? We had decided we wanted to go with all BO & they man said these were marked "Buff" when they came in. I assumed he must know more than me & I was really anxious to get some so I told...
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