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  1. pvc coop

    Red Neck Coop

    Winds today are 20 to 30 mph. I just looked out the kitchen window and saw my chickens walking sidways accross the yard.
  2. pvc coop

    Red Neck Coop

    "How will I handle the smell if it gets out of hand" That is definitly on the back of my mind, so will face that when the time comes. The plywood floor, just slides out for cleaning, so I could just change the plywood flooring. Hopfully that will work. If I can't get rid of smell then I...
  3. pvc coop

    Red Neck Coop

    Thanks for everybodies compliments and laughs. I don't know how it happened but somehow my original post came up twice. I must of double clicked. Anyway sorry about that. Everybody have a good day.
  4. pvc coop

    Red Neck Coop

    I forgot to mention. We have a big old white dog to protect against coyotes. I can't spell it's breed, but it's initials are Great P. If I do lose some of these chickens, I have my back up.... my PVC chickens.
  5. pvc coop

    Red Neck Coop

    Red Neck Coop because it's part of the Trailer house. The porch is on the front of the Moble Home. There were just 4 x 4 legs underneath it. So I decided to box it in and in one corner have a 5' x 6' coop. My carpenter skills are very limited, so keeping it simple. I learned a lot...
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