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  1. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    hi Fingers74 - sorry to hear about the loss of your girls. There is a product called a Pet containment system by PetSafe. it is an electric wire you run around the perimeter or your chook pen. you can bury the wire just under the ground so its out the way or you can just hang it at dog height on...
  2. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Fancy is this weather you've had over the last few months normal for Tassie? if it is I don't know where you get the strength to keep doing it all over again. I'm still trying to find time to finish my primary coop and run objectives, let alone rebuilding or even just straightening it out again...
  3. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    we found a young python in our chook run about six months, so I bought two solar snake repellers that go into the ground and send out a vibration and sound every 30secs or so and placed them either side of the run. We have not seen a snake since or lost any birds to them (I really hope I don't...
  4. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Thanks Fizzybelle. I will get the vet details off you anyway - just in case I ever need them.
  5. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Thanks Teila and sorry about Wombles Fancy. I got the antibiotics today so will start administering. I did put garlic flakes in the water yesterday morning since I didn't yet have the AB's and when I got home last night her swelling was gone and the eye was normal. Her nose did still have...
  6. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Fancy - no I haven't looked in her ear. but I will be as soon as I get home. Is there anything inparticular I should be looking for?
  7. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Thank you FancyChookLady. I am headed straight online for some antibiotics now. While I had been trying to be calm and positive, given your knowledge and experience with birds I am freaking out now and treating the situation as worst case scenario (I have about 30 other birds to try and keep...
  8. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Good morning all, I would appreciate any thoughts anyone may have on my current chicken health issue. One on my French Marans has a swollen right side of the face, watery/frothy right eye, and did have some yellow discharge from her right nostril. All symptoms are contained to her right side...
  9. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    hi Anniebee I bought myself a metal yard cart from Bunnings with drop down sides for about $70 to wheel my 20kg bags of chicken feed around. It has made it so much easier lifting straight from the boot onto the card and has saved my shoulder and back. The cart is capable of 250kg so I even put a...
  10. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Thanks Myhaven. She was ready to stretch her legs this morning and certainly let me know she wanted out of her isolation by screaming at me in a pitch I have not heard before. So I let her out for a bit then put her back before I left (she was definitely NOT HAPPY JAN!) and I will definitely...
  11. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Thank you Fancy, Fizzybelle, satay, sjturner79 and Teila for your advice regarding my broody Grace. Fancy the feeders look great. Ashburnham love the scarecrow.
  12. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Thanks Fancychooklady. I shall stress less, ensure she has seen the water, and I would like to try and create more airflow through her box. It's meant to get to 24degrees today so now I'm concerned she may overheat. I wonder if she's as nervous about her first clutch as I am?
  13. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I'm getting a little worried about Grace the Buff Sussex who acquired herself that big pile of eggs. I have seperated her in her own little enclosure within the run, however I have not seen her get off the nest in the last two days since doing this and she just looks really angry. I have even...
  14. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I sure have. The stolen eggs would also be fertile but I figure I might as well take advantage of her services instead of the incubator for the marans eggs I had. This is also the first time I have done eggs under a broody so I am very excited (just wasn't prepared or expecting it to be now)...
  15. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Yes they are. I swapped some of them out with eggs from my other pen so there will be a mix including french wheaton marans, blue birchen marans x wheaton, and araucana x wheaton marans. I will be separating her completely tomorrow. I just don't have the chance during the week. Her...
  16. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    TGIF. Tuesday started off like any other day with the morning completely normal - only to come home and find two broody girls (Grace my buff sussex who I have always thought would be a good mum as she has always been interested and chatty with babies when I have introduced them, and Honey my...
  17. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    sjturner79 - thank you for your reply and you were absolutely correct with the neck feathering being a sex indicator. I had initially thought that with the sex linking the black/blue chicks would be male and the yellow ones would be female and I could therefore sex at hatching. so while it won't...
  18. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    hi all. I have been actively keeping up to date with everyone's post but nothing to add - until now that is. I am curious to know if I mate a Blue Birchen Marans rooster over a Wheaton Marans hen will the chicks be sexed linked? I have tried reading up on the whole sex linking thing but get so...
  19. MullyAly

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Anniebee - I use BigL liquid 100ml diluted in 2L of water (1L is about $35). I used this as recently as yesterday morning and noticed worms had already been passed in fresh excrement last night. It makes the water yellow and my girls have not expressed any issues with accepting it in the water...
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