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  1. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    You know it's summer when you lift the lid of the incubator and the temperature rises. I've got some week-olds under a fan, not a heat lamp!
  2. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hi everyone! Just a quick note to check in and say I'm sorry I haven't been on recently... It's sad that that seems to be all I've posted on this thread in the last 6 months. You'd think with the school holidays I'd have been able to find more time for BYC, but it seems that that wasn't going to...
  3. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Thanks! The picture doesn't really do it justice, though. The ISA/Leghorn cross egg is a nice cream colour but looks white in the picture, and the two Araucana eggs were much brighter. The one to the left was also a little bluer. I got another today which was nice light blue - hardly green at...
  4. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Well, I have an English father and a Victorian mother... So I guess I'm not really South Australian at all... Anyway, I have some exciting news. Just to give some backstory, I started my own flock a couple of months ago (seperate from my father's... which means I had to build the enclosure and...
  5. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Ducky - I'm looking forwards to reading the article! My 'local' library gets them in so I go there to read the magazine. I'm trying to get my sister interested in it, but she has the strange idea that it's all about chickens... and she doesn't like chickens because their beaks are too pointy...
  6. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    People around here say that Mount Barker is 4 degrees cooler than Adelaide. It's said Upper Sturt is 3 degrees cooler than that. Bear with me while I set up an illustration for my point. There are three 'towns'; Town S (Upper Sturt), Town I, and Town C. Town I is very small (people-wise), and...
  7. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    That is pretty cute, Wooklet. Not from Melbourne, but my grandmother was. Does that count? My mother grew up near the Dandenongs (last time I said she was from the Dandenongs, she blasted me for it because it was inaccurate... she's from Moe. No earthquake jokes please.), and my aunt went to...
  8. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    The first picture looks like those squishy fake chicken carcasses you can get from cheap shops. No offence.
  9. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    When you put it like that, it might even be kinder to the birds to keep them in the barns! There'd be just as crowded but at least they'd be sheltered from wind and rain. I guess people need to be more discerning when buying free-range eggs... those who don't keep their own chooks, that is. I...
  10. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Wow... I knew it was a high number, but... even 1500 on a hectare seems too many! 20 000 isn't free range at all! So glad I have my own chooks... I wouldn't want to be buying 'free range' eggs if that law comes in! Anyway, it's been pretty cold here recently (by Adelaide standards, at least)...
  11. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Unfortunately Worm made a sudden turn for the worse at around seven last night (loss of co-ordination and balance, followed by laboured breathing and occasional seizures) and passed away at about ten-thirty. It was very sad, especially with her having been to active and healthy right up until...
  12. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Unfortunately only three chicks ended up hatching, which was a bit disappointing, especially as one died a few hours after hatching and one died at three days. But Worm is still doing very well and is in fact cheeping very loudly right in my ear right now (standing on my shoulder). I picked up a...
  13. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I had one surprise chick hatch yesterday morning, around ten. Which was really strange as it was only Day 20 (in fact, late Day 19) of incubation! Anyway, Worm is doing quite well and is very noisy for such a tiny chick. Yes, it's being called 'Worm', because that's what the early bird gets...
  14. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    On a lighter note to my last depressing self-centred post, I put 13 eggs in lockdown yesterday evening. They should hatch Wednesday morning, so I'm very excited!
  15. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Cold, wet, and grey here, too. I'm not complaining - I like this weather (yes, I'm crazy). The only thing is my chooks are stupid - standing out in the rain. Let me tell you, Frizzles do not look like Frizzles anymore when wet. And the Silkies... well... more like echidnas? The others...
  16. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Ashburnham - so sorry! I've been gone a week so I guess I'd forgotten I'd asked. I'm sorry. Ducky - I keep telling people I'd like to get some Marans because they lay chocolate eggs. This close to Easter, I think some of them actually took me literally! (on a side note, I'm saving up my egg...
  17. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hi everyone! Ashburnham - I'm reasonably certain Bard isn't crossed with an Araucana - I'm sure someone would have mentioned something. Although I'm not sure he's a pure Rock, either. It doesn't really matter anyway as I'm planning on crossing him with some of my Araucanas (just until I can...
  18. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Ashburnham, just out of curiosity, what breed is the chick furthest to the left? I couple of my cross-bred chicks are feathering out with colours like that. Okay, now, everyone: meet The Bard. He's a sixteen-week-old light barred Plymouth Rock. He's nothing anywhere near resembling show...
  19. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Yes, welcome, IamSamSam and City Lay-Dee. There seem to be a lot of Victorians/New South Welshmen here! Oh, no! Gasp! But you're sure to find others here from your state. Well, I'm glad you all enjoyed the poem. Upon reading it again, I noticed a rediculous amount of mistakes in it, though...
  20. Rachel96

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hi, everyone! Just want to share a poem that I found in the latest issue of a homeschooling magazine I subscribe to (just out of interest, it's put out by a friend of mine locally for homeschooled teenage girls). Apparently, the poem's from a book called "Australian Poems that would Cheer and...
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