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  1. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I meant I add corn to there main feed in winter!! Not on its own! I breed and exhibit long tailed fowl (Phoenix & Yokohama) and the pellets don't have enough protein for their feathers. I have found a japan diet recipe for Onagadori that I am going to try.
  2. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I've bought some new chooks and they only eat grain mash, not pellets. I will grind the grains and make a wet mash, I will also let them free range as much as I can, (we have a very bad fox and hawk problem) I only feed Corn in cool weather, and they don't like it as much as wheat or oats so...
  3. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Is it possible to buy grain in CARDBOARD or PAPER bags? I have made a feed plan for my flock but I'm having trouble with the grains. I need Whole Wheat, Whole oats, and cracked/whole corn. My local-ish produce store sells all the grains, Hard Wheat 25kg $.22.50 whole oat 25kg $.23.50 cracked...
  4. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I will have to find the box, it was bought at a garage sale 4 years ago. It is a hexagon shape. I have checked the temperature and it was up to 39C, I have turned it down now and put more water in the base. I have lost 4 phoenix chicks and the rest of the phoenix eggs look like they have stopped...
  5. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hello! Its been a while since I have posted. I woke up this morning with 3 chicks hatched in the incubator. 1 normal, 1 a little weak (Better now) and one dead. When I left for school there were 2 others that had pecked holes, and when I got back home they were dead in their shell. They are all...
  6. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hello! I haven't been on here for a while. Update on Phoenix: I have found 2 pairs! a Black/Red pair and a Blue/Red pair. I have already hatched 2 chicks from them (both boys). It was an adventure to get these Four. On June 25 I took one of my Hamburg pullets to the Essedon Poultry Show in...
  7. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    It has been pouring rain nonstop for the past few weeks and I couldn't get to my grandparents farm (where I keep my chocks) to see them. It was a bright sunny day yesterday and I managed to get down there. I had a look at all my chocks to see how they went in the rain and I noticed one of my...
  8. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Today was Nowra Poultry club sale day. I wasn't going to get anything but I saw this cuty. She is a ringneck pheasant, but she looks alittle lighter than the photos of pheasant hens I see on the Internet. She is 3 months old. Should I cut her wings so she doesn't break her neck trying to fly...
  9. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I just wrote 3 full pages on what a Hamburg looks like for my TAFE assessment..... my assessment is about nutrition for poultry... I have to take care of a pet for 2 weeks so I chose my Hamburg cockerel.
  10. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I came home from school today and found Choko couldn't move her right leg. I don't know if it is from the paralysis tick or if she DOES have mareks but i will be taking my dog to the vet in half an hour and will ask them about what i should do to her. She looked like she was getting better...
  11. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    How do you know if she is shifting her crop?? I haven't had a problem like that before so i don't know how to check for it. Yes she is drinking some water but only when you put her beak into the water.
  12. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Thanks for the help! My welsummer hen is doing a little better today. She is opening her right eye now when she is walking, but her puple is a greyish colour. She keeps trying to climb up onto my lap. Her poop is clear and watery. I've bought a feed replacement called 'Avi-vital', its a liquid...
  13. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Yesterday morning 1 of my welsummer hens was looking a little down, she had been a little wobbly the day before but i just thought it was from the heat, so i had a look at her and found a small paralysis tick about 4mm big. I put her in a separate cage with food and water but then found she...
  14. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I have a Light Sussex hen and all her white feathers have been stained brown. Nowra show is in a week and luckily she isn't one I'm taking but she will be going to a show in July. Does anyone know what I can use? I saw someone using a purple shampoo on their white leghorns and after they looked...
  15. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    After my Welsummer rooster killed my Hamburg rooster I have been looking for a new rooster, but I couldn't find any. I remembered that you can still hatch eggs 2 weeks without a rooster so I put some of the hens eggs under a broody chock and they all successfully hatched!! 5 little hamburgs...
  16. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Finally convinced my Mum to build a chook coop in the backyard. All my chooks are a my Grandparents (which is a 40 min drive away ). Bought an old aviary that I've fixed up, now building the run. Anyone going to the Nowra show next February? I'm putting in 6 Light Sussex pullets, maybe 2...
  17. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    My Welsummer rooster attacked my light Sussex rooster and now he has just killed my Hamburg rooster! We will be having a lovely welsummer sized Christmas lunch. Light Sussex after attack A couple weeks after
  18. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I just counted all my chocks.....all 51 of them! 11 Lil' pullets i hatched in the incubator. They are so big now Can't wait for a show! Also I have found some Phoenix! But all my pens are full (the struggle...) I am buying an old aviary to fix up on the weekend for when I get them...
  19. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    I've got some cockerels I need gone! From my show birds. All from the same father who I bought off of John Graveur. Mothers, older brothers and sisters have been in local shows and placed mostly 1st and 2nd. Hatched on the 23 September. I would like for them to go to another breeder to possibly...
  20. jessbonnitcha

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    1st chick hatched!! Little light Sussex! All the other eggs are peeping too!! ALSO! is it possible to post videos on here? I've got a video of her coming out of the egg
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