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  1. chloezoebob101


    yep! i thought i said but maybe not. He found his home!
  2. chloezoebob101


    ok my bad i thought you wanted me to take him to get groomed! LOL and ok i will try that too.
  3. chloezoebob101


    oh that makes sense. my bad!
  4. chloezoebob101


    why? he doesn't need a groom. he is in even better condition than our dogs. no matts, all brushed, and not a speck of dirt... well maybe a little.
  5. chloezoebob101


    ok i will try everything to get him back! i was just thinking the scent.. and we can't check for a chip because the closest vet to us is a few hours away. but were trying
  6. chloezoebob101


    i agree with all of you. i WANT him to stay. but i know the right thing is to return him. we are going to ask around but there are very very very few neighbors here. but maybe its one of theirs. and besides we just moved in so we can get a chance to meet them. no matter what though, no matter...
  7. chloezoebob101


    im not sure, i think i want him to stay because our neighbor really likes him, and without him he is lonely. so I'm not sure about this situation yet...
  8. chloezoebob101


    He was fixed, pretty recently but no stitches, he is healed. and he just had a collar no ID or anything on him. and we live out here in the country so only a few neighbors who live far away from each other. we are going to ask around when this rain lets up and we are keeping an eye out for any...
  9. chloezoebob101


    The dog i don't believe was hungry, he was well fed and he was groomed excellently. he had pretty teeth, and was trained to sit. He was a purebred chinese pug. he had a collar. based on all of that i think he just wandered off ( plus the fact that he was a boy) but i have never seen him around...
  10. chloezoebob101


    i couldn't ditch him! he grew on me and we don't have anyone going around on our roads. but i did go up to our neighbor who never goes anywhere and could use a buddy, and he got attached immediately! he took him in for the night " so that coyotes couldn't get him". but i knew it wasn't that, he...
  11. chloezoebob101


    put him in an old kennel going to let him off by the road where he looks like he came from. hopefully this works!
  12. chloezoebob101


    we are way out here in the country and animal control won't be out here for hours and his tag doesn't give a number. we can't put him in our garage bc its really junked up and with his energy things will go flying. we are hoping he will go home. I'm worn out! i have tried everything but what...
  13. chloezoebob101


    he has comem in again like 5 times now and now its 6...
  14. chloezoebob101


    hey all! there is this dog who keeps coming into our backyard. i know he isn't a chicken or a danger but i need to know how to get rid of him. he is a pug and really nice and he has a collar. HE is driving me nuts whimpering!! he keeps getting in our fence somehow and i put him tout and he gets...
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