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  1. Nyowpotopop

    Am I over-reacting about my Neighbor and his dog who ate my chick? (kinda a lengthy vent)

    I dunno. I don't have this problem. If someone acted like that in front of me I would have punched them and called animal control publically already - hubby be ******... Because if he's with me he better be respecting the fact that I don't tolerate people messing with my animals. But some...
  2. Nyowpotopop

    Am I over-reacting about my Neighbor and his dog who ate my chick? (kinda a lengthy vent)

    I would be sneaky about it. If the dog is loose and wandering with the owner nowhere in sight.... And you want to "keep the peace"... "Accidentally" chase it into a neighbor's yard (not your uncle's) and call animal control from there. Report the address as your neighbor's and make it an...
  3. Nyowpotopop

    Am I over-reacting about my Neighbor and his dog who ate my chick? (kinda a lengthy vent)

    See, I also awknowledge that if you wanna keep chickens as anything but pets that building an expensive coop is pretty useless, though. Why spend $500 on a coop and $300 on a run for fresh eggs for the next 6 years when you could just buy other people's eggs for way cheaper? Even at $3/dozen...
  4. Nyowpotopop

    Am I over-reacting about my Neighbor and his dog who ate my chick? (kinda a lengthy vent)

    Honestly if the guy treats his dog like that the dog will NEVER get used to being around the chickens safely. If it tries to go after one of the hens again it'll get beaten. That's not going to stop the dog or teach it... It will just make the dog more scared of the person hitting it. I do...
  5. Nyowpotopop

    Am I over-reacting about my Neighbor and his dog who ate my chick? (kinda a lengthy vent)

    Do you get the sudden craving to consume fish when you eat sushi? Or to rip into a cow when you eat a rare steak? The whole "bloodlust" thing in dogs is a (raelly dumb) myth stemming from two things. One; The dog now knows chickens=meat and just like they know hamburgers=meat they want it like...
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