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  1. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    We had talked about half blue, half RP. The eggs weren't marked, so I can't really say, but two eggs were lighter, two eggs hard more prominent red/orange flecks, if that means anything. :) We'll see as it grows up. It's currently yellow with some traces of black. The blues are blue with...
  2. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    My secret Easter box chicks hatched today! 4/4 Marraduna Basque (EO) 2/4 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte (maybe 3/4 if the peeping egg goes on to hatch). Had one blood ring. All fertile and darn near all hatched, thanks Mzstre! Not bad at all for shipped eggs! Very cool, thanks! Also have a...
  3. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    If I am delayed responding if anyone is trying to reach me, please be patient. My computer's power supply and/or motherboard fritzed, so I'm waiting on a new one to ship. In the meantime I have sporadic internet availability when I can get on someone else's computer, lol. Happy to report my...
  4. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    That other foreign substance which I haven't seen in a very long time is called "grass". Amazingly enough, sometimes it isn't dead and brown like in the photo and is found in some regions when the great glaciers recede.
  5. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I guess 3, as well. :), it got cold again last night. Luckily was nicer this am, though! Nice enough to knock back most of the snow for the weekend, so we had an Easter egg hunt this morning...ok....we had 8 of them. The boys really, really, really liked finding eggs. They...
  6. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Oh, no worries, they arrived in great condition. Candled and not even a single misshapen or dislodged air cell. They look grand. Happily cooking in the incubator currently with a handful of my Silky eggs.
  7. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    The Secret Easter Bunny delivered a lovely Easter Box today with perfectly wrapped eggs! Included in the box were Blue Laced Red Wyandotte and Marraduna Basque. Can't wait to incubate these! Thanks, Brandy! (Bunny tracks for a Wisconsin Easter...yep, we still have snow.)
  8. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Yay! I'm glad it made it to you well. I just got such a tickle out of the huge/teeny egg combo, hope you enjoy.
  9. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Yay! Glad they arrive safely. Good luck with them! Oh, and to my Secret Easter Bunny Buddy, I shipped out a box Tuesday at the same time as mama2my4's box, so guessing it's getting there today/tomorrow. Erm...I forgot to include the card actually saying who I was and happy Easter...
  10. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I have a lady who comes and takes all of my bags from chicken feed and dog food to make into these. She gave me a couple and man, they are the strongest, best grocery bags I could ever hope for!
  11. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I hit the bit 4-0 this year, too, though not til Thanksgiving weekend. Hard to believe, sure don't feel that old. The boys being 2 and 3 probably helps that. ;)
  12. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    My BYC Easter Hatch lineup: 24 Iowa Blues (including 5 pullet eggs) 15 Olive Eggs (OE x IB) 14 Easter Egger (Btm Lv Am x IB) 3 Ameraucana (Lav/Split/White 2, Wh/BWh 1) (Thanks, DMRippy) 5 SBEL (Leghorn x Lav Am) (Thanks, DMRippy) 14 Silver Sussex (Thanks, crfarm) 8 Blue Marans (Thanks, crfarm...
  13. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    WISH I had a swap owed. I'd go for those Black Bresse. :D Have fun with the sorting!
  14. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    DMRippy eggs arrived today in excellent condition. Got them from the PO directly, eggs were not too cold, were wrapped well, with no cracks or detached egg cells on arrival. to both DMRippy and the PO this time around. :) Got some lovely big eggs that will hatch me some SBEL's and some Ams...
  15. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    No joke. I will be delighted if they're blowing this storm out of proportion. I've got lots of eggs coming this week. Oh course, I'd take snow over the emergency/get in your basement now/tornado warning we got this morning. LOL, we all looked out the window like "Wha?" National Weather...
  16. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I've had to rid my coop of 3 of them this year, momma and then one at a time her kids. Luckily they only put a dent in my egg production and didn't get ahold of the hens up on the roost.
  17. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Now here's to hoping the "huge snow storm" is just a couple flakes.
  18. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    BYC Thread with State Requirements APHIS State Regs Links
  19. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I seriously need to set up some worm farms. I had blatta lateralis roaches in the past. Cool critters, but a little fast. May try the non-climbing ones at some point. Maybe next time I hit the reptile swap I'll get me some starters. :D The girls would love that!
  20. Hurley

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Sure makes me wonder about nutrition, given the variety of issues. Subpar nutrition would account for shipping stress resulting in sick birds, poor handling of shipping, leg/beak/weakness issues in chicks. Would be strange to have all of those "genetic diseases" in all of the lines. Would...
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