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  1. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I am just stopping by for a few minutes to catch up.... Actually home today all day! first time in soooo long. Cleaning all of the duck pens. I finally decided I was tired of spooning and swooning over everybody's sebbies and hatching them for others, transporting them for others (so hard to...
  2. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I think FL is still under Grant money. I don't know what it will be if/when that runs out. I think the hope is that enough people will have signed up that it will become 'habit'. Ours is rather expensive I think so if you go to the state log it prints out the names and addresses of all NPIP...
  3. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    You are the Energizer Bunny! Did you get new batteries for Christmas
  4. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    One day for fun but, maybe useless, exercise I went to all of the states that have NPIP and checked to compare test fees, cert fees, renewal fees and test req. etc. It was interesting as it is 'called' National but not. If I remember right HI has the requirement for NPIP to come in but no...
  5. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I kept willing for someone to put up a LGD puppy on the backwards swap. You don't want to know what I was offering for THAT if it came up, he's at work right now so I guess I could say and he wouldn't know I was trying to trade him for a real dog (I have rotten little terriers). Levi has...
  6. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Yeah, it is 1:00 in the afternoon and finally up to 26-28 up here. I am going to cut and make a bunch of new waterers instead of cleaning and knocking out ice. It takes about 4 hrs to do them all as everyone is in pens, runs, or sort/grow bins. But it is beautiful and not raining with sun...
  7. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    just jumping on every few minutes trying to catch up. My butt is sore from sitting way tooooooo much yesterday, I'll keep good thoughts on a great hatch. With some of these exhibition silkies we recommend a footing instead slick or bare wire. If you are used to layer breed chicks, these...
  8. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    no matter what "other" kind you have, you want to get Kubota =:~) we finally had to 'settle' ...
  9. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    What a beautiful family! And, you have a Kubota..... my dream tractor what's the pic for this year? edit; I had in mind that was last year, too busy looking a tractor
  10. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    How 'bout putting your lovely face back on for a few days. I just love that shot of you! I love the 'farm' name, keeeewwwwwlllllll
  11. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I get home and start sorting thru 'puter communications and get this.... I immediately thought of one of you -- of course you know who you are =:~) not the evil helper but most likely to have the cat to do this
  12. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Well, that a'hole nutter kettle o fish that I thought it was. I though of 1st trimester of pending motherhood
  13. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    Didn't they owe you a refund or something but you haven't been able to get communication to get a resolution?
  14. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    This is why we (Hubby and I) say we could make having a lottery winning be fun..... I would have had us pick a few fans from here, flown out and did it too! complete with a suite for an old fashioned slumber (not) party. Your evening (evenings or all day) sounds like a winner! k/
  15. birdnbeast

    Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

    I do believe it was "When I get my breese!" (okay, guys say 'breasts' with a lisp and you got it) And, I'm athinkin' "what a greedy little girl!". Like a platoon wouldn't starve now..... just sayin' And, yes my inhibition at facial expression is well-exploited by many ... gotta love good friends
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