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  1. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    This is the best ever forum and thread !
  2. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Boycott Keep the Traitor Boycott Going! We can’t say it often enough. If companies like General Mills, Kellogg’s, Pepsi, Coca-Cola and other giant multinational junk-food peddlers hadn’t dumped more than $20 million into the NO on 37 campaign, Prop 37, the California Right to Know GMO labeling...
  3. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    The USDA, headed by Tom Vilsack, Monsanto’s Man in Washington, is greasing the tracks for approvals of new GMO crops and Biotech-friendly laws that will devastate farmers, consumers and the health of our planet. The FDA, an organization that’s supposed to protect the people but whose real...
  4. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Gross Factor: In addition to supplementing fish food with GM vegetable oils, fish farmers are tossing land-based factory-farm leftovers into these salmon pens, says Bridson. Chicken litter (basically feathers and waste), bonemeal and other poultry by-products are all being added to salmon food...
  5. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    The Frankenfish is now on the table for voting in the U.S. genetically modified with three fish, the sea eel, atlantic salmon and wild sockeye salmon. Specifially lableing for now it's not sure for these fish. If the lable says, ( I foget the term but raised in a tank) those will be the...
  6. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Chris09, I meant EggHead ?
  7. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    And so monsanto could CHOOSE to do so
  8. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

  9. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    this is quite informative: about the 5% § 205.301 Product composition. (a) Products sold, labeled, or represented as “100 percent...
  10. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Spangled, you are just talking to an EgoHead.
  11. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Pigeonguy, are you saying "Teelee has tried to make different kinds of GMO popcorn but the GMO popcorn doesn't pop". ? So therefore they have to use non GMO popcorn ? Or am I not interpreting correctly ? Thank you, mg
  12. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Sky The Chicken Man you are Brilliant
  13. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Organic popcorn or Jiffy ?
  14. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Don't go for this line of questioning, it is a trap. Get's everyone away from talking GMO. And onto a different subject. GMO is the subject.
  15. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Big Foot is quoted: "Most of the farmers LOST their suits when it was proven there was NO "cross pollination" at all." aaahhhaaaaaa, funny,,,, the farmers could not stay in the money game of monsanto's legalese, so they settled, not the same thing as admitting guilt ....
  16. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Please look at the logo for the International Plant and Animal Genome Conference the url is here The logo is of DNA double helix. When looking at this logo for the Genome conference in January it looks so sinister. It is disturbing.
  17. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Chris09 said: "Please go back and REREAD my post's I NEVER ONCE said GMO is Organic." Thank you Chris09 for pointing this out, I specifically did not point the finger at you, but it could be interpreted that way. I apologize. Thanks, mg
  18. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Round UP Ready for the GMO plants is toxic. GMO 's are not organic plants.
  19. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Hi, Pesticide and herbicide drenched soil and harvest have very long lasting negative health problems, and you do pay for that in all sorts of ways. GMO requires spraying with toxins, GMO is not organic, therefore health risks with problems, and you pay for that.
  20. mg15

    Why i do not want GMO in my food or my pets food

    Hi, I have talked to two non GMO growers of seed and feed and both of the farmers told me if I cannot get non GMO to buy organic. But not to count on the organic to be non GMO. But it was the next best thing. One was in Ohio and the other western Nebraska. I trust the two farmers.
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