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  1. nordicacres


    The first baby that has ever hatched on our farm!
  2. nordicacres


    I moved the crabby broody to the coop. She had six eggs under her and one chick. The chick is black with a white spot on the back of its head. Came out of a brown egg (the Wellie has apparently been sitting on other eggs because there were also blue and green eggs under her). The only...
  3. nordicacres


    Hi everyone! Busy summer of gardening, canning, and working on some outdoor projects. Our run still isn't finished, but not a big deal because we free range. So I have two pullets sitting on eggs in our shed. A Wellie and an Australorp. We have 50 chickens and don't need the eggs so I let...
  4. nordicacres


    Netflix is easier to manage on your computer. You can search for things you want to watch and then add them to a list or queue (can't remember). My Netflix has been taken over by the kids. My DH gets so mad because all we ever get recommendations for are kid shows (try getting them to use the...
  5. nordicacres


    My chickens started laying about a week or so ago! I was so excited to get those first eggs! Now my issue is that they are laying all over. Some lay in the coop, others in the shed, others randomly in the yard, others hide their nests. I've tried locking them in the coop, but they wait to...
  6. nordicacres


    We're down to 44 Meaties now (from the 52 they sent us). I've never had so many losses in the first few days. I will definitely be calling Hoover's on Monday! . . . and I totally give up trying to keep up on this thread! I've had too much going on in the past few weeks and I think I'm...
  7. nordicacres


    The Meaties are here! We ordered 50 from Hoover's and received 52. One of them is very obviously deformed with its leg bone sticking out of its leg (no sign of injury so it must have been born that way). How do I cull this poor bird? :(. All the others are alive and doing well so far.
  8. nordicacres


    Wow, I think I had 100 posts to read. I gave up! Anyone know where to find some heritage turkey poults? Looking for purebred Standard Bronze, Narragansett, Blue Slate, Sweetgrass, or ??? Also a few Guineas if they aren't halfway across the state! Our Meaties are coming this Thursday or...
  9. nordicacres


    Hope everyone had a good weekend. We took the kids kayaking on the MN River yesterday, the cat had kittens yesterday (their birthday will be easy to remember!), and went swimming at Flandrau today. Maybe now that the weekend is over I can finally get something done around here. The chicken...
  10. nordicacres


    Nice! We have this growing everywhere and I was wondering what it was. I would never eat something that I was unsure about. My Dad loved Ford tractors. Wish we had bought one of his now. At the time we had no use for it.
  11. nordicacres


    Holy COLD day today. Perfect day to make a batch of rhubarb jam :).
  12. nordicacres


    TY for asking! Knock on wood, but no one is showing any signs of illness at this time. Maybe it was the heat and humidity? Welcome! I'm sure Minne will chime in at some point. She did tell me she had Olive Eggers available, but that was Spring and I thought I read that she only hatches or...
  13. nordicacres


    Very helpful, TY!
  14. nordicacres


    Pretty birds! Too funny about the garbage, lol.
  15. nordicacres


    Oh, yes. Said dog never chewed on the table legs, but the bedposts. Ruined my bed frame. And the mattress. And the books on the bookshelf.
  16. nordicacres


    She's adorable! The chewing, ugh! The first dog my DH and I got together was a terror. A terror! She ruined every pair of shoes I owned except the one pair I was wearing. So beware. A chew toy or a bone is nowhere near as appealing as a shoe :)
  17. nordicacres


    Something good happened today! Yeah!
  18. nordicacres


    Fun! TFS the pictures. We have a lot of the same breeds :)
  19. nordicacres


    Oh no, Bert! I'm so sorry :( I loved reading about his antics!
  20. nordicacres


    We just lost one turkey poult and now the BR cockerel. Everyone looks and acts alright . . . until they don't. Researching respiratory illness is on my To Do list. Unfortunately no time to do it now. When it rains it pours. We've also got a wasp problem in the area where we keep the new...
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