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  1. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    I'm glad lambing is over and all the lambs are born and doing well. Not having to jug moms and provide extra feed/water to the jugs has relieved a lot of extra work. I still have the three bottle babies that I'm keeping (sold the rest). They are fed with the bucket, and I also go around with a...
  2. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Me, too. I like the blackbelly and badger markings. I see the two new ones there in the back. They're all so cute!
  3. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    It's really, really hard to find people who sell straight alfalfa. My hay guy who also sells straight alfalfa lost his crop last year, so I wasn't able to get any alfalfa (and I won't buy the store-stuff). Anyhow, I found a few farmers here who sell mixed hay -some is 45% alfalfa and the most...
  4. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Congrats on the twins. Such cute lambs! Too bad about the mom who rejected her little guy. I have one mom with twins who rejected the girl and dotes on the boy. I'm bottle feeding the girl along with a couple others. They're on the bucket. A few of my moms are having difficulty keeping up...
  5. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Cool! I LOVE looking at all the sheep at the shows. I am always awestruck by all the different breeds and sizes!
  6. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    She was born with a black dot on her face. (The hair is black.) Looks like a big ugly mole. Poor thing will never snag a husband!
  7. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    We'll be keeping some to replace the older sheep we're selling. And we'll sell all the rest.
  8. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    It's lambing season! Almost all of them had triplets or twins. One had quads! Two of my girls had large singles. I went around and took some pics when we had the nice weather: This is Spreckles and her son. She's a very good mom; she keeps her son well behaved...
  9. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    There were a lot of beautiful sheep at the NAILE. I went on Thursday for the Katahdin show. I enjoyed looking at all the different sheep breeds. Someone posted this pic on FB; beautiful ewes!
  10. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Yes, that will work. You should section off paddocks within the acre so you can rotate the sheep in order to minimize the worm load. Learn all you can about showing Suffolks; talk to folks who are showing; go to the shows and meet the breeders. Breeders will be more than pleased to share...
  11. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Yes, sheep (and other ruminants) can bloat when consuming too much high-protein grass at once especially when they've been on a dry lot (hay) for winter and then let out all suddenly onto a lush pasture. I had one ewe lamb bloat on me a couple of years ago. They literally fill up with gas. I use...
  12. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Posting Pics of some of my Sheep: Some of the girls in their new pasture. I had a really difficult time with worms this year, so I had all the girls in a dry lot for about a month and I just moved them out last week. They were SO HAPPY to get outta there and eat real grass again...
  13. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Not yet, here. We'll be putting the rams in with the ladies in October for March lambs. :)
  14. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Just sharing some photos . These two sisters are 4 years old and have had triplets every year. Curious group. One of the ewe lambs born this year that I'm keeping. My new ram (Poseidon). He was born March of 2012.
  15. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Also, if you just brought her home, she may just be getting fat on your fresh new pasture! Sheep do not tend to 'show' till the last few weeks.
  16. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    The pictures are adorable!!!
  17. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Brother and Sister napping together inside the barn. It was hot outside.
  18. AlienChick

    Sheep Chat Thread

    Awwww... so very cute!!! Boy or girl?
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