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    MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

    Well we hatched a found egg last summer and ended up with a hen mallard. Being a wild duck and lucky enough to have a pond, we let her stay with us until she was old enough to fly away. She is still with us and we think she thinks she is a chicken. She lives with the hens and is totally a...

    MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

    My first and only baby duck that we hatched from a found egg. She is a mallard and after a few weeks of a duck following me around night and day I got her a friend Chacheeta. I am a free range chicken lover so this is all new to me. She seems to be doing fine and comes in for a visit every...

    MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

    Here is my first hatched mallard. We have named it Larry for now until we see if it is a drake or not. We have free range chickens and would like to keep him/her if she wa nts to stay
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