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  1. shannacrew

    Baby chick lethargic, have lost three others from this same group.

    It's exactly 95 degress (the recommended temp) for their age. The other side is quite a bit cooler (I'm guessing 85, w/out moving my thermometer to check for sure). I think temps are ok. The others seem fine, but so did she yesterday. What seems to happen is chick weakens, then becomes...
  2. shannacrew

    Baby chick lethargic, have lost three others from this same group.

    Sadly, she didn't make it. Do I need to give the remaining birds and sort of preventative? (We are using medicated feed, they are not vaccinated for Mareks {they are bantams}) I'm hoping it was just shipping stress. Either way, not looking forward to when my daughter wakes and I have to tell...
  3. shannacrew

    Baby chick lethargic, have lost three others from this same group.

    I made her drink some water and a bit of the wetted food. She was not enthusiastic about either. She had pooped quite a bit (brown, stringy), but I noticed it had a small amount of pinkish mucus. I did not aggressively clean her vent, so I don't think it's from that. She did get up and...
  4. shannacrew

    Baby chick lethargic, have lost three others from this same group.

    I forgot to add that I did use ACV in their water, although when I moved her to the quarantine I did not add it to her new bowl---just the electrolyte mix. I haven't gotten her to eat more than that first couple of bites. I think I'll re-wet the food and try again. I am having to force...
  5. shannacrew

    Baby chick lethargic, have lost three others from this same group.

    Thank you. She's not doing well. Her breathing seems even more labored than before. My concern is that so many chicks have been lost from this shipment---is this shipping stress or disease? If disease, what can I do to keep the others safe and help this one? We've bought from feed store and...
  6. shannacrew

    Baby chick lethargic, have lost three others from this same group.

    10 year old couldn't sleep, she's up staring at the poor baby chick willing it to live. We did quarantine it in it's own little box with a washrag to cuddle up to, I mixed chick starter, scrambled egg, water w/electrolyte powder into a 'soup' and got her to take a couple bites. She seems to be...
  7. shannacrew

    Baby chick lethargic, have lost three others from this same group.

    Two friends and I recently ordered 15 day-old chicks from My Pet Chicken. They shipped out Monday the 13th, and arrived two days later (Wed. the 15th). I'm in Texas, and they shipped from Ohio. Our weather has been mild (80s during day) so seemed a good time to have them shipped. One chick...
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