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  1. O

    What are you canning now?

    If you think $10 for two beans is steep you might want to ask DW what she's paying for "the good stuff" at Williams Sonoma. Even your two $10 beans will make far more than the amount you can buy for the same price there.
  2. O

    What are you canning now?

    Ratatouille freezes well. So does Caponata. Noodless Lasagna is tasty with Eggplant, just slice them thinly the long way and use the slices in place of the noodles. Assemble the whole thing in a tray and pop it into the freezer for winter. Quick easy meal there. You can also use Zucchini...
  3. O

    What are you canning now?

    Warming the lids does not kill any germs on the middle of them, nor does it kill any germs that would be between the seal and the rim of the jar. Pre-heating lids should never be done in boiling water, only simmering and simmering water is not hot enough to sanitize anything. That's the...
  4. O

    What are you canning now?

    You can make just about anything without sugar and a whole new recipe isn't necessarily needed. For jams you simply make preserves and cook down until you get your desired set rather than timing it as you would with a heavy sugar/pectin combo. For things like Applesauce you can simply omit the...
  5. O

    What are you canning now?

    Kim Chi, Freezer Coleslaw, or just store them whole in your basement.
  6. O

    What are you canning now?

    According to my Ball Complete Book (which is only a couple years old) Cream Style Corn (pints) should, indeed, be processed for 85 minutes. Whole Kernel pints are 55, quarts are 85. Extra processing won't hurt them in the sense that they would be unsafe, but the quality may not be as good as...
  7. O

    What are you canning now?

    I think it boils down to the fact that when they're young (when you SHOULD be teaching them) it's more work to do so. Having a little "helper" in the kitchen or the laundry room or wherever often isn't really any help, so parents get impatient, figure it's easier to just do it themselves and...
  8. O

    What are you canning now?

    I think the real problem is, just perhaps, that we expect the schools to. As far as I am concerned it is not the school's job to teach my kids basic life skills, and I don't want their classroom time wasted on it. American students are far enough behind their international counterparts, do...
  9. O

    What are you canning now?

    Our family of four goes through a LOT of green beans. It's one of our favorite veggies so we eat them a lot -- most weeks at least once with dinner, plus lunches, soups, green bean casserole at various holidays... 60 qts is really only one per week and 8 extras.
  10. O

    What are you canning now?

    I have increased the recipe for preserves, and it takes a lot longer boil to set. I would think jams/jellies with pectin might be similar.
  11. O

    What are you canning now?

    If pointing out that "easier" may not be the way most would describe canning with cherry and grape tomatoes is being "offended" we're all in big, BIG trouble. Also, I may be from the north, but I know what "bless your heart" means... and you can't even look that one up in a dictionary.
  12. O

    What are you canning now?

    At first I read this as "Rhubarb Plum Jam" and I thought, "OMG! That sounds DELICIOUS!" I'm going to have to make rhubarb plum jam.
  13. O

    What are you canning now?

    That's only 2 quart jars. You'd have more than an hour into peeling one canner load of tomatoes... and that's just plain old canned tomatoes and doesn't count prepping jars and lids, and packing jars. You'd have more than an hour and a half into skinning enough tomatoes just for one canner...
  14. O

    What are you canning now?

    It would be the same for canning any other tomatoes... just a lot more work. I'd roast them and either make them into sauce or salsa.
  15. O

    What are you canning now?

    I don't even own a Water Bath canning pot, my pressure canner does double duty for everything. I don't see any point in wasting the storage space for another giant pot when that one works just fine. :)
  16. O

    What are you canning now?

    That's an awesome deal!
  17. O

    What are you canning now?

    Home canned foods are "good" in the sense that they are not spoiled for as long as the seal is not compromised. Find 30 year old tomatoes in Grandma's cellar with an intact seal? They're not going to be spoiled. Now, home canned foods are "good" in the sense that they have peak flavor and...
  18. O

    What are you canning now?

    Well, this isn't directly canning related... but close. is running a sale on all FoodSaver units right now. 50% off any unit + free shipping. It, apparently, even includes units that are already marked down. I just bought the "Master Chef" kit, normally $317, marked down to...
  19. O

    What are you canning now?

    When I remember to keep on top of using coupons (which is not often, lol) there are also places you can look online to see what coupons are out and what are coming out in the various sales fliers. Then, when you see something you want, you can go to one of the coupon cutting services (or...
  20. O

    What are you canning now?

    I can't believe I actually remembered our ebay login... it's been years, but I just bought 20 of the $3/2 plus 20 of the $1/1 pectin for $1.50 (including shipping).
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