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  1. lilwhispers


    Thanks Lisa for Emmett. Can't wait to see what we get when I fire up the bators.
  2. lilwhispers


    I used to breed Giant Chinchillas they are about the same size as a flemish.
  3. lilwhispers


    Michelle there is a rabbit show at the Rupert fairgrounds on 9-28-13. there is always rabbits for sale at the show. I am trying to get work switched around so I can go. My youngest got Grand Champion for her Jersey Wooly at the Cassia fair so she wants to go see how he will do at the real show.
  4. lilwhispers


    Michelle do you have any snowflakes still available?
  5. lilwhispers


    Glad to know that guess I have another week of turning for them then
  6. lilwhispers


    Ok just went to turn the eggs and heard peeping the chicks had finished hatching. I found ducks pipping they were supposed to lock down tomorrow.ducks are 28 day incubation are they not? They are the eggs from our ducks the hen looks like an ancona the drakes are a tufted runner and a rouen...
  7. lilwhispers


    Also looking for Kaki Campbell eggs and pheasant eggs local preferred. I'm in the Mini-cassia area.
  8. lilwhispers


    I have a problem and need some help figuring it out. I separated my ameracaunas about a month ago so far I have only found 2 eggs they got out a few weeks ago we got them back in the second coop but still no eggs my dad said he thought he saw egg shells in a barrel I put in the coop for a nest...
  9. lilwhispers


    I may be interested let me know what you hatch. I'll take chicks instead of eggs.
  10. lilwhispers


    We went to Cal stores on Saturday to look for a gift for my dads bday and while I was looking my 2 older kids took it upon themselves to buy 2 ducks. When I came home from work yesterday my son met me at the door and begged to go back because his had died so we went back and came back with 2...
  11. lilwhispers


    Anne the council meeting is not until next Tuesday it is always the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. I have never been asked to prove my dogs were vaccinated so that shouldn't be required for the chickens either.
  12. lilwhispers


    Anne. The next meeting in burley will be next Tuesday at 7:00 PM at city hall the will be voting on the ordinance. Welcome to BYC I am from Burley, and one of the ones pushing for the new ordinance.
  13. lilwhispers


    We are gonna have to ask about that they don't require that the dogs have proof of vaccines.
  14. lilwhispers


  15. lilwhispers


    Our city council met tonight and read an chicken ordinance for review, The ordinance they read tonight went as follows: 5 hens NO ROOSTERS Permit required to be purchased at city hall for $10 per bird Proof of Vaccines 10 ft set back from neighbors property line Coop up to 32 sq ft (4x8) and...
  16. lilwhispers


    When we went before the city council they asked how much space a chicken needed I replied roughly 4 Sq ft per bird adding that an 8x8 coop would house 12-15 birds. What is everyones take on this i have seen anywhere from 2- 6 sq ft per bird.
  17. lilwhispers


    I found it rather coincidental that yesterday in the free Times News their urban homesteaders peice was on keeping your own layers. It was probably printing while we were at city council meeting. Great timing
  18. lilwhispers


    Thanks Daloorashens it was a good meeting they voted to start a draft for a new ordiance, we are not out of the woods yet but it is a start. They voted 4 yeas and 2 nays
  19. lilwhispers


    We're off to see the mayor.....
  20. lilwhispers


    I'll have to think about that Michelle. Also I am planning on building some Salatin inspired pasture pens and raising Freedom Rangers on pasture for sale and/or trade if anyone is interested. If anyone has ???'s let me know. I already have some interest.
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