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    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Those were the combined APA & ABA Nationals. It's mind boggling to see that many great birds under one roof. The sale area is bigger than most lerge shows.

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I didn't know Roland had Catalanas. I've judged with him & I guess it never came up in conversation. They are hard to find I go years w/o seeing any & many years w/o seeing any good ones.

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    No, neither as a Judge nor as an exhibitor. I've never owned them, though I don't know why as I like them. As to placing them as a Judge I don't see many in this region & the few I do all came from McMurray. Sam Brush sent me some bantam Naked Neck eggs last year but the ride from Texas must...

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I've never culled for so-called "behavior". Never have, never will. I've had some aggressive males over the years & often they were some of my most productive breeders. I can recall one Rhode Island Red Bantam who was so aggressive that when I was away all he got to eat was cracked corn thrown...

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Rollong mating: seperate single or small groups of females-males moved each day to a different group. Flock mating: group of females with one or more males all penned together. If multiple males make sure there are enough females to keep them busy or you'll have fighting. Brief enough?

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Good example. I've had the privilage of judging her birds & they're really something. There are any number of breeders who produce small numbers of birds but the birds they produce are top quality. Once a strain is stabilized large numbers aren't always necessary. However, to get to that point...

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    That goes without saying.

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    That's just crazy. No chicken can fight off Godzilla. I was being realistic but you're just being ridiculous.

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    You're just not familiar with the kind of chickens BYCers own. Why people here have "ROOS" that fight off hawks, foxes, eagles, dogs, coons, bears, tigers, T rexes,alien invaders & communists. Granted, the ordinary sort of chickens you're used to can't do any of that but we're talking about BYC...
  10. NYREDS

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Who was the first guy [or gal] that looked at a cow & said "see those things on the bottom? I'm gonna squeeze them & drink whatever comes out."
  11. NYREDS

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    The only birds John has anymore are a half dozen Andalusians. He had many Wyandotte Bantam varieties over the years but the Partridge was the only variety he always had & I have his Partridge now. There are a number of good Bantam Wyandotte Bantam breeders in the country. I'm at work now & don't...
  12. NYREDS

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Interesting- a few pages back they were too small & now they're "perfect". You do realize Jamie has John Hayes birds [including the ones I gave him}.
  13. NYREDS

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Also, in much of the world humans carry some amount of gut fauna. As with other creatures this is only an issue if the load of parasites is more than the system can handle. I've never understood the suggestion by some people that poultry should be routinely dewormed as a prophylactic measure...
  14. NYREDS

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I've always heard that Beagles have a white tip on their tail so you can see them as they wave goodbye.
  15. NYREDS

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Our Aussie is from the large end of the size spectrum. She looks & sounds like a bear when arroused. I count on her giving an intruder pause [human or animal] while I grab a weapon. Just added a 17 HMR to the arsenal-should be able to solve any Coyote problems with that. There are 2 sides to...
  16. NYREDS

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    More than nice, I'd say essential if you want feedback. Kindof difficult to help with selecting birds you can't see. I know I've said this before & got jumped on by a number of people but if someone uses your picture so what? How does that do you any real harm?
  17. NYREDS

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Good luck brother
  18. NYREDS

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I agree I'm seeing feather damage not feather quality issues.
  19. NYREDS

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I won't be showing any single-combed cock birds this year either. This winter's sure been a rough one & it's not over yet.
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