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  1. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I really love your state of PA cause you guys have the best fireworks in the Northeast, then New Hampshire, only cause you have bottle rockets and fire crackers witch NH don't have. But that vaccination law is a whole bunch of "malakies" a nice Greek word.
  2. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    If you can't beat them, join them.
  3. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I really think you need to wait atleast 6 months to see the shape more better. Anything could happen before that.. Had a front runner Black Australorp rooster for the longest time before 6 months and said he would be a best roo till I noticed his tail wasn't full and did not like his...
  4. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    There's a good saying I like so say.. "If you can't beat them join them".
  5. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    You ever put a naked neck on champions row?
  6. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    How old was Bob Blosl when he died? I remember seeing his post on RIR and caught me a lot just by his reply I soon used that to get good red Naked Necks.
  7. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    You could also try these people there in Texas abit closer for you and have Hortsman line.
  8. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I only buy from the old timers and love there birds but we to stop thinking we live back in the 1950s.. Times has changed much and all we do is pretend we went back in the old days.. How is this going to help poultry in the future? There's always going to be a next generation with a old line and...
  9. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    You forgot to mention Godzilla..
  10. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I love the Black Java and leaned blacks but I have black Austalorps.. No more pure black birds for me.. Time for a new color, I don't like white chickens either. Ron, I trolled my family by saying I was going to build the new coop for "black Naked Necks" and they were mad LOL! My family loves...
  11. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Wow, those are very pretty! It's looks like a GLW mixed with a Java. Only thing is I don't think there recognized by the APA..
  12. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Any suggestions on trying a new breed? I'm going to try out some black Ameraucanas hoping to get atleast a trio from them (I only ordered a couple) once I get the chicks hopefully this week along with more black Australorps and Naked Necks. But I am thinking about adding a new coop with a new...
  13. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Nice roo! He German line?
  14. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Oh, sorry I thought you only had 1-2 broody didn't realize all are going broody.
  15. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Why would you want to break a broody? This is a big insult to Europeans, forget the shows they will always come year after year.. Let the chicken do it's thing.
  16. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Uh, is it normal for a broody hen to not leave her nest for 3 days almost 4 days now without taking a dump/eating/drinking? In the past when I had broody hens they poop/eat/drink once a day, this BA hen is a fat girl and makes no movement at all. It's great that she's been on her eggs over 72...
  17. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I learned a new Greek ideology from my parents if you have a broody hen set her when there's a full moon or half moon. I tried to set a NN hen with no moon at all and she bailed the nest 2 days later. Now I have a australorp who went broody on a full moon and she's sits in her nest like a clay...
  18. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Have a weird question, I have a australorp hen (1st time broody) that became broody 3 days ago and I separated her from the flock and gave her own nest with eggs and she's sitting great. Only problem is I am expecting chicks next week in the mail and the broody hen is in the same room as the...
  19. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Anyone subscribed to the poultry press? I just ordered the sample to try out.. Is the poultry press like a real newspaper with pages of reading? What's the sample like, a older newspaper?
  20. Vamvakas

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Urch only has LF wyandottes I beilive.
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