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  1. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    My hens have daily access to the bull and cow pastures and they work those cow pies like there's no tomorrow. My cousin hasn't had to drag the pasture in 5 years since this action has been taking place on the farm and I have yet to have a customer complain of the eggs having a cow patty likeness...
  2. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    LOL George I have the pleasure here of only getting to use veg. based layer(and breeder rations) as there is not a source for feed with animal proteins in it at all here. So unless brought in from and outside source and that would mean I'd not be able to afford this hobby(would not go thru all...
  3. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Nice, I'm liking these Buffs more and more. I really love the masculine and feminine looks of those head shots too. Says a lot too me. I'm like George on the Langshans not too up to par on them but I figure you are doing them well with the knowledge of the fancy and standards you have in the old...
  4. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Chris Herzog has bantam reds from Bobs line someone in Ark. too. Jeff
  5. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    yeah Ron heres wishing you a speedy recovery and for eyes to better to see those big ol Red NN in the future with LOL Jeff
  6. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I think mine have a plot out to trip me down most of the time can't even kick them out of the way much less startle them. I reached out and caught my Brown Leghorn rooster this morning with no effort against it on his part, thought to myself how many folks can just catch their leghorns much less...
  7. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Yes I'm all good too. I showed my derriere a little much myself, also I apologize for that too. I too am interested in the NNs I always have been fascinated by them and that was before I knew the slightest iota about poultry other than how to raise them and care for them. Now I have a more...
  8. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    right on Doc. but I opened that can of worms up last year or so and got lambasted/tongue lashed for it , LOL all I did was show someone else's incident/accident so I learned to not go there or too close LOL Jeff
  9. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Ok Tom in my best impressionable George W Bush voice: "it's hard" You should be good at 2 weeks probly 99.5 % to the good. if you get that .5% of a chicken I for sure want to see pics heck may even have to come to see it in person LOL Jeff
  10. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    10 to 14 days is a good norm, but in all things there are variables and extremes also Tom, esp. in chicken farming LOL Jeff
  11. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Mee too George I'm glad he keeps on coming back too he sure has moxie and I do appreciate him for being stubborn enough to put up with me much less anybody else LOL Jeff
  12. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Exactly (galanie)and we even have butted heads a little in the past too LOL but in the end we all are headed (or trying to) in the same direction and that guidance those judges give helps keep the wheels on track huh may make it a bumpier ride for a spell but it smooths out sooner enough. Jeff
  13. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    LOL yes thanks Vickie you posted while I was typing out mine and I agree Walt will tell just like the cow eats the cabbage for sure and I like that, and he has made me back up a time or three and regroup for a while. Jeff
  14. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    you hit the nail square on the head in many of your statements there Ron and I'd suggest you practice a little of your preaching too and a lot more learning then. This is not dogs, horses or anything with hair or not hair.(no comparing "nothing") It is a poultry forum and the judges are in the...
  15. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Well to me by the pics they aren't very good representatives of the breed I wouldn't use them in my project for sure. I would go as far as Kathy has done and re-make my own. Did you read what Walt said: "he saw better Lt.Sussex at the Cali. show this past weekend" maybe wise to check into who...
  16. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    they prey on the gullible and weak minded for sure, if someone wants good birds find someone that has them (a breeder) in the USA or the fowls country of origin themselves. That is a business(has to make a profit) and it is run like a business/enterprise " the all American dream" get rich...
  17. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    this is what I thought of when I first saw the hen posted there LOL Jeff
  18. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Digested blood comes out black a very good indication of bleeding ulcers or TOO many Oreos and milk (had to be gross huh?) LOL red colored/blood in stool indicates lower (large intestine) problems JFYI Jeff
  19. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    Never studied up on that (cold storing/freezing poultry semen) interesting. I know they AI turkeys and collect the semen to do it. It's simply because those commercial type 60+ lb males are to awkward to "do it" I know they directly take what is collected and it goes straight to the hen house...
  20. catdaddyfro

    Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

    I totally agree I think of it evertime I look at my black tailed birds here(they suck) compared to that green sheen LOL Jeff
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