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  1. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Should I be worried?? My 21 Welsh Harlequin eggs are on day 29 and none of them have externally pipped yet. They're wiggling a lot and some of them are peeping. I know that almost all of them have internally pipped, and have been for the last 24 hours. I candled yesterday. Is there anything I...
  2. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Okay, my first hatch of the year!! Two ducklings hatched last night (both needed assistance). The lady I got te eggs from only owns Welsh Harlequin ducks and one female Buff Orpington duck... So I'm very confused. The yellow duckling is very clearly a female Welsh Harlequin... But what about the...
  3. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Is anyone else having a lot of success?? I set 27 eggs (3 of them were out in the incubator 2 weeks before the other 24) and 26 of them are developing! I haven't lost a single one!
  4. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    This is the best picture I could get. Day 19! Only 9 more days to go! :D
  5. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I have 3 duck eggs due to hatch on April 24th and 23 more due to hatch on May 6th.. They're all in the same incubator and I don't have another one to use as a hatcher.. Is this okay? Can I keep them together and only open the incubator to turn the other eggs? I'll spray the eggs that are...
  6. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Okay! The little zebra finch has hatched!! He's so tiny it's hard to tell if it's actually a bird. I could only get one good picture before mama bird wanted to sit on him again. Lol The egg is the size of a dime (Canadian), so shows you how small he is! Here he is with the other egg
  7. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I just went to go check on the two eggs my zebra finches are sitting on and... One of them has pipped! We'll have a little baby by tomorrow morning! Pictures to follow :)
  8. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    They're absolutely gorgeous!
  9. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I also have Welsh harlequin ducks due to hatch this month! Mine are going to hatch on the 24th, so pretty close to yours. Welcome to the hatch-a-long! :)
  10. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Day 6 of incubating my welsh harlequin duck eggs. Wow are these little babies looking healthy!
  11. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Thanks! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a healthy hatch! :)
  12. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    They weren't roughly handled at all, they were laid fresh and I picked them up. They've been incubating for just over 3 days now. I can already see veins in the other eggs, but nothing in these two.
  13. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Hey guys, I need some help! It looks like the yolks in 2 of my Welsh Harlequin eggs have ruptured! They were fine when I got them, I'm just wondering what might have caused it?? After 2 days of incubating they just burst.. This is the burst one And this is a normal one
  14. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Yay! So happy to have a hatch buddy! :D
  15. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I just set 5 Welsh Harlequin duck eggs this morning (5am), so they're due to hatch on Thursday, April 24th! I'm so excited :D They're in my homemade incubator so hopefully everything goes well. I've had 2 successful hatches in it before, so I'm optimistic. :)
  16. BirdyGirl7198

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I'll join! I was planning on being part of the Easter Hatch a Long, but it doesn't look like that's going to work out :( I'm gonna be setting some mutt duck eggs sometime soon (once I can get a confirmed pickup date from the supplier). They'll probably hatch sometime around the 20th of April :)
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